part 4

15 4 4

Still Brai's POV

"I know it's just something about mila that caught my attention other than her beauty..I mean don't get me wrong when I first seen her walking down the street I thought she was beyond beautiful but when I got to know her I knew right then and there that she would be mine with her smart ass and oh boy don't get me started on those sweet kisses..its like they were meant for me and only me"

"Well I won't be knowing what that's like for a while because I'm only 23 and I'm not settling down no time soon" Brei' said

I shook my head "never say never my nigga it could happen anytime"

"I never said never I just said not right now"he replied

"OK whatever"I said ending the conversation

My phone started ringing and I seen that it was my baby so I accepted the call but didn't answer

"Hello Brai' "Milan said in an angelic voice

"Yea I'm hear what's up" i responded nonchantly but was happy on the inside

She sighed saying "look Brai' I'm sorry for snapping at you like that I was wrong"

She sounded sad "you good and I except ya apology but please don't let it happen again" I made it clear to her

"I won't I promise"she said a little too happy if you ask me but I liked it

" what you doin babe?"

"Ugh here we go again"she said

"What you mean..ugh her we go again?" I questioned her

"Nothing Brai' I don't want to argue after we just made up"

"I'm not arguing with you either but every time I give you a little name you have something to say..just chill out with that mouth of yours"

"Boy please"she said

"I'm far from a boy sweetheart but you will find out soon"

"umm I don't think so won't be none of that so you better find something or someone to get ya lor cheesecurl wet"

I silently laughed..only if she knew "baby girl if you wanna see my mans that's all you had to say but I can guarantee that my shit ain't no lor cheesecurl and i'm actually offended and you know if you seen me with another woman you would be jealous"

She laughed "actually I wouldn't feel no type of way because we just met this morning and you are not my man"

"Damn you cold for that but you should  give me a chance and I promise it won't be nothing like your Ex" I stated

"Shaking her head she replied"yea right that's what everyone guy says and then when they get that chance they still go out and cheat so no I will not give you a chance and before you say you're different I'm sure you are because you are a different person but I'm sure you cheat so it's not gonna happen baby"

Now that just pissed me the fuck off because she is judging me before she even give me a chance and i've never cheated a day in my if it was Brei' than she would have something to worry about not me "yo don't ever fix ya mouth to say that I would cheat because i've never cheated a day in my fuckin' life so stop judging me before you get to know me!" I snapped at her

Silence and shock took over before i heard her quietly say "I'm sorry Brai' please forgive me I just have a hard time trusting guys because they start off sweet and then once they get a chance they start to change"

"Well I'm not them Milan so stop treating me like it" I said calmly because I understand where she's coming from

"Look how about this..,since we just met we start off as acquaintances for now and then work our way to best friend status" she suggested

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