So we meet again part 3

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"Mila..Mila is that you baby."said my annoying cheating ex-boyfriend Sey'mour

I rolled my eyes in annoyance of him being in my presence

"What do you want Sey'mour."I asked with an attitude

Brai' burst out laughing for what reason I don't know

Sey'mour looked from me to Brai' and asked him "what's so funny homie."

"Your name homie."he answered still laughing

"Who is this clown?"Sey'mour asked me

"Oh that clown is my man..he does everything that you didn't and couldn't do.. Isn't that right babe?"I said looking at Brai' hoping he would play along

He smiled and said "that's right babe now come give your man a kiss."

I was shocked but played it off and got up sitting down on his him a nice big juicy kiss on his lips

"Damnnn"he whispered against my lips

I kissed him again but this time it was better and I had to stop myself because I was in public and I didn't want him to get the wrong idea

"So you just gonna disrespect me like that?"Sey'mour asked

"How am I disrespecting you when tryingmy man..not you

"You disrespecting me by kissing this ugly ass nigga in my face."he yelled getting in my face

Brai' laughed and tapped me to get off his lap "first of all nigga don't ever and I mean ever yell or get in my girl face. Secondly,you called me ugly but I got the woman that you want. Stop playing yourself cuz she moved on to something bigger and better and you can't call nobody ugly when you look like Norbit."

I laughed and Sey'mour looked at me saying "bitch what the fuck is so funny?"

Move out the way babe I got this."Brai' demanded moving me out the way

"Nigga you done lost ya fuckin' mind calling my wife a bitch when you the only bitch I see but since you disrespecting her I got something for you."

After he said that he punched him and knocked him over the table. Sey'mour got up and tried to swing on Brai' but he moved out the way and I ended up getting hit and knocked on the floor. Brai' ran straight to me and asked with a concerned face "babe are you ok."

I shook my head saying "yea but the side of my face hurt."I whined

Brai' pulled my hand from my face and examined it "it's not bad but you might want to get some ice to put in it." He kissed the spot that I was hit

We heard laughing coming from behind us and looked in that direction at Sey'mour

"Yo you think it's funny that you hit a woman..that only show that you a punk ass bitch." Brai' said getting up,punching his ass again only this time knocking him out

He came back over to me helping me up saying "come on let me help you up babe..that weak ass nigga had no business putting his hands on ya beautiful ass."he said looking at me so lovingly and I couldn't do anything but smile

"Thank you for helping me didn't have to do that so again thank you."

"You don't ever have to thank me cuz for one no man should ever disrespect a woman or hit her and he violated by doing both..secondly I would never just sit and watch cuz that's not my character."

"Aww look at you being sweet."I said blushing and cheesing hard

"Aww look at you blushing..I must be doing something right."he smirked

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