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Jamie let out a small groan as the sun practically fried him where he stood.
It was an extremely hot day in Beach City and the only thing that he could think about was getting home to his apartment and eating as much Ice Cream as he possibly could while his cat, Whiskers, cuddled up to him and provided him comfort.
Only a few more stops... Just a few more...He thought as he wiped the sweat from his brow and jogged over to Saddie Miller's house to drop her mail off.
He slipped the mail into the mailbox and just as he was turning to leave, the door to the house opened to reveal Barbara Miller. She was Saddie's mother and Jamie's replacement on days that he couldn't deliver mail.
"Jamie! What in the world are you doing, working on a day like this?" she asked and Jamie gave her a nervous smile and chuckled.
"I need the money," he replied and the woman rolled her eyes as a fond smile appeared on her face.
"Well get in here and have some Lemonade before you go anywhere else," she said and turned back into the house, Jamie following close behind her.
"So, how's your day been?" Barbara asked as she poured the young man a glass of homemade Lemonade.
"Hot...extremely hot," he replied as he slumped when the cold air of the A/C hit his aching body.
"Well I expected that. My poor little Saddie is out there at work at the Big Donut," the older woman said as she handed Jamie the glass of Lemonade that he quickly gulped down.
"Thanks for that, Ms. Miller. I should get going now, I've got three more stops on my rout," he said as he placed the glass down on the table and said goodbye to the woman as he left the house and walked down the street.
He stopped at the pizzeria to give Jenny her mail then stopped at Steven's house to give him his package as well as give Connie her mail.
The young man's shoulders slumped as he forced his legs to continue walking to his apartment.
He was so tired, that he couldn't see straight and ran directly into someone.
"Ouch!" he yelped as he fell back onto the ground, his hat flying off and his bag slipping off of his shoulder.
"Hey, you okay?"
He looked up to see another male staring down at him.
"U-Uh, I-I'm fine," he said as he grabbed his bag and stood up.
The other man handed Jamie his hat that had flown off during their run in and the younger of the two took his hat and put it back on his head.
He saw the man looking him over before he smirked and looked him straight in his eyes.
"Hm, pretty cute," he said and Jamie's face flushed.
"E-Excuse m-me?" he asked and the taller man slipped a piece of paper into his shorts and walked away, that smirk still on his lips.
Jamie quickly ran to his apartment and when he got to his living room, he pulled the paper out of his pocket and his eyes widened when he saw that it had a phone number on it.
"He...slipped me his phone number..."

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