The Day After

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Jamie groaned as the bright light hit is eyes and he was quick to pull the covers over his head.
Memories rushed through his mind and he remembered the night before, the beach, the dance, and the walk home. Opening his eyes and gasping, he quickly sat up and threw the covers to the foot of the bed. Running over to his dresser and looking in the mirror, he quickly checked his neck (and the rest of his body) for hickeys or any sign of a bite. Thankfully, there was nothing there and he was fit for another day.
As he walked out of his room, he saw Whiskers staring at him from the end of the hall and he could see the smile on her face.
"Oh, be quiet and leave me alone," Jamie groaned as he walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Thank god he didn't have work today, he didn't think he'd be able to make it in the heat. Though, it had been cooling down and it was clear that summer was turning into fall once again...

I wonder what Kevin does during the fall...
Jamie jumped as his phone went off on the edge of the sink and he quickly snatched it up and saw that Kevin was calling him.
"Hey, babe. So, last night..."
"Please tell me that I didn't do anything regretful."
"Of course you didn't. But you're never drinking again; you were throwing up all night."
"Oh... Don't tell my mom."
"What makes you think I have her number?"
"I distinctly remember you looking in my phone and copying a number down."
"Wha- How-"
"You should always check for people looking over your shoulder. Anyway, don't you dare tell her."
"I won't! Trust me."
Jamie tightly pressed his lips together and he stuck his phone between his ear and his shoulder as he pulled his jeans up and buttoned them.
"Mhmm, sure."
"Really! I won't tell her, I promise!"
Jamie clicked his tongue as he stood up straight and he sighed.
"All right, fine. I believe you."
Kevin cheered on the other end of the phone and Jamie giggled. He's such a dork...
"You're a dork."
"I'm your dork."
Jamie giggle-snorted then quickly slapped his hand over his mouth.
"...That...was adorable."
"I'm hanging up now!"
Jamie pulled his phone away from his ear and ended the call, shoving his phone back into his pocket and putting his face in his hands.
"That was horrible..." he groaned and jumped when he felt something move against his leg. He looked down to see Whiskers looking up at him, her tail slowly moving side to side. Jamie sighed and bent down, scooping the cat into his arms and standing back up to hold her against his chest. Both of them jumped in surprise when there was a knock on the front door.
"Who comes to the mailman on a Thursday?... Who comes to the mailman?" Jamie mumbled as he walked to the front door with Whiskers, who had jumped out of his arms, trailing close behind.
He twisted the doorknob and pulled the door open. "Hell- oH MY GOD!"
Standing in front of him was Kevin, with his clothes scuffed up and even torn in places. He had a busted and swollen lip that went along with his scratched up face.
"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?" he shouted as he reached in and pulled Kevin in by his scarf.
"Babe, calm down. I just got into some trouble with a couple other guys; No biggie."
Kevin raised his hands and backed away from angry man, nervously grinning. "I-It'll all heal up in the next couple days! There won't even be a scar!"
"When I find out who-"
"Jamie!" Kevin rushed forward and tightly grabbed Jamie's wrists. "You don't have to do anything! I was the one who started it, they weren't."
Jamie's eyes darkened and Kevin quickly made his way towards the door.
Holy shit, how angry can he get?
"Yeah, ya know, I forgot that I've somewhere and-"
"Kevin, I'm calling your mother."


...It's been 84 years...

Angry cinnamon roll! >.< Guess who remembered this story? Me. I did. After, like, months. ...I apologize for that. But updates will be a bit more frequent now, since I'm getting more ideas a lot more often for this certain story.

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