Continuation of Breaking Dawn- Chapter 1

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This is my continuation of Breaking Dawn that I decided to write. : )

I'll keep adding chapters if you like it!

I looked at my face in the mirror. It was un-humanly beautiful, like any other vampire I know. I knew that over the past year I was probably supposed to get used to this, but I just can't. I am so used to looking like a sack of potatoes next to Edward's glory, but now, it looked as if I actually belonged there, like I was meant to be with him, which I knew even before I was a...vampire. I also couldn't adjust to saying that word normally in a sentence. The Cullen's, well, my family always says it as if it's just an ordinary word, and it always surprises me how they can say it with such ease. I was jealous. At least the blood didn't flood to my cheeks everytime I attempted to splur it from my mouth like it would've when I was human. I loved being one of them. It was exactly the life I always wanted, and knew I was born for.

Then, a felt a strong arm slowly wrap around my waist. I smiled as I turned around to face Edward. The corners of his mouth turned into my favourite crooked smile. Then, he bent down a kissed me. In no time I was gasping for air, something I was not in need of, but couldn't get in the habit of not having. He laughed, then let me free, which was not exactly what I wanted, so instead I took his hand, our fingering twining effortlessly, like they were meant to be, the two perfect puzzle-pieces. He lifted our hands and kissed each of my finger-tips.

"Good morning, beautiful." Edward finally said, even though we've been in eachother's presence for over five minutes.

"I assume your talking to me?" I giggled as he spinned my body towards his so he could kiss me again.

"Who else?" He assured me, but only sounded like a murmur because his voice was muffled by my hair.

I looked up to meet Edward's gaze, and his eyes were black.

"You need to hunt." We said to eachother at the same time. We both smiled. I hadn't realized until he said something, but the thirst in my throat was becoming unbearable. I looked in the mirror hanging in our room. My eyes were as black as an bottomless pit. It made me feel uneasy when I saw myself looking this way. The rest of the Cullen's were used to it by now, but they knew how I felt. They've all been through it before. Even though I've been a vampire for nearly a year now, I am still finding it hard to believe.

"We'll go today, together. Maybe the others are thirsty, also." Edward replied. I saw his reflection in the mirror as he came up behind me, moved my hair, and kissed up my neck. The room started to spin. I still hadn't gotten rid of these horrible human habits. If my heart was beating, I knew it would've been going balistic in my chest. I laughed at the thought of not having a beating heart, and Edward seemed to notice.

"What is it, love?" He commented on my subtle giggle.

"Oh, I was just thinking about the times when you'd kiss me and my pulse would go un-humanly fast." I said in rush. He laughed too, then sighed.

"I miss that. But I love you just the way you are." He said, holding my face in hands. Then he kissed me.

"Maybe we should head up to the house, see what everybodies up to." Edward told me between kisses.

"Mmmm." Was my brilliant reply.

"And Renesmee?" Edward asked cautiously, and stopped kissing me to look around the room.

"She's with Jacob. She took her down to First Beach in La Push." I told him in a rush, pulling him back to me.

"You're a little eager today," Edward laughed as kissed him hungrily along his jaw. "Not that I mind." He said.

I laughed now, too. "Shall we go up to the house?" I asked him. I loved our little cottage that Esme built for us back when I was a new vampire.

Suddenly, I was flying. I loved having this speed! It was incredible. Back when I was human, I could barely walk across a room without falling flat on my face...But this, this will never stop amazing me. Edward and I ran hand in hand to our families house. It wasn't a long run, two minutes tops. We slid through the front door. All eyes were on me. I figured Edward must've known what was going on, seeing as he'd just read all minds in the room. Then Alice sprang infront of me, a huge grin on her face.

"You'll never guess who's coming to see you." She said.

Continuation of the Twilight Series: Breaking DawnWhere stories live. Discover now