Continuation of Breaking Dawn- Chapter 6 & 7

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Continuation of Breaking Dawn- Chapter 6 & 7

"You'll be fine tomorrow, Bella," Carlisle promised. He lightly patted my head, and said, "We won't let anything happen. Renee will be safe. We believe in you." He smiled warmley at me. I smiled back, but as he turned and walked away, it faded. How could they believe in me. I'm a new born vampire. I am the most dangerous and lethal predator. It feels like I'm throwing my Mom in a locked cage with a hostile tiger, just dying to get his hands on a human snack.

"Bella, don't even bother running away. It's not as if we can't catch you!" Alice laughed at my stupid attempt to avoid the visit.

"It'll be fine, Bella, don't worry." Jasper soothed.

"I think you guys have more faith in me then I can live up to." I laughed dryly.

"Bella, don't stress, we know you can do it. You love Renee too much to hurt her, just like Edward loves you. And look at you now! You're healthier then you've ever been!" Esme commented, rubbing the small of my back. I smiled up at Edward, remember what his must've gone through to keep me around. He kissed my hair, and I sighed.

"Well, it's nearly nine, Renesmee, it's time for bed. You can't put it off any longer." I finally said to Renesmee, who was sitting quietly on the couch, hoping nobody would notice her.

"But Mom! It's not fair! You guys get to stay up all night!" She complained.

"We don't get to, we have to!" I laughed. The rest joined in, and Renesmee sighed, defeated.

"Goodnight, grandma." Renesmee said, giving Esme a huge hug, then to Carlisle, Emmett, Rose, Alice, Jasper.

Renesmee took Edward's hand, then mine, and we slid through the door and started our walk towards the cottage. Renesmee eyes were drooping, and she dragged her feet along the grass. Edward noticed, and scooped her up into his arms, and set her head on his shoulder. Our pace slowed, and we soon at a casual walk, which was lulling to Renesmee, because she was asleep in no time. Once we arrived at the cottage, I quietly opened the door, and Edward brought Renesmee to her room, set her in her bed, and shut off the light.

"So, Mrs.Cullen, what shall we do tonight?" Edward questioned me, looking me up and down.

"I don't know....Maybe we could....?" I eyed Edward. He grinned, and suddenly pulled me close to him, and kissed me.

"Whatever you'd like, Bella," Edward breathed, and then the talking stopped.


Chapter 7:

We heard the pitter-patter of Renesmee's little feet as she walked from her room into the living room.

"What should I wear today, Momma?" Renesmee asked me. "I want to look pretty for when Renee gets here!" She told me. Edward nodded, and so I took Renesmee's hand, and she pulled me to her room and opened her little closet.

"This dress is pretty." I told her, pointing at a little pink dress with yellow flowers covering the material.

"Okay, 'Plan B', Alice," Renesmee said, obviously un-impressed by my choice in clothing.

Renesmee grabbed the phone and dialed the number with speeding thumbs. I heard Alice's wind-chime voice answer the phone.

"Renesmee, you need help getting ready?" She asked, but with no need.

"Yes. Momma was no help to me!" She laughed. Alice laughed quietly through the phone.

"I would go with your red dress with the white ribbon around the waist," Alice explained.

"Oh, thanks Alice! Good choice! Thank goodness you're here!" Renesmee breathed in relief. Alice and I laughed.

"Can I talk to your Mom for a minute, Nessie?" Alice asked Renesmee.

"Sure, hold on," Rensmee answered. She held the phone up to me. I took it and out it to my ear.

"Hey, Alice. What's up?" I asked her.

"Your Mom's flight landed early. She's going to be here in an hour." She told me, "Edward should be telling you this any minute once he reads my mind." She laughed.

"Bella, love! Come here for a moment!" I heard Edward call from the back room. Alice must've, too, because we started laughing at the same time.

"Oh, I see. Nevermind then, Bella." Edward laughed, too.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know, Alice. We'll be at the house soon," I told her.

"Bye, Bella!" Alice cheered, and the line went dead. I hung up the phone, and walked into the living room. Edward was sitting on the couch, reading Wuthering Heights. I took the book from his hands, set it on the coffee table, and sat in his lap. He wrapped his arms around me, and I dug my head into his chest.

"What am I going to say, Edward? What am I going to do?!" I whined. He rubbed my shoulders.

"Bella, you did it with Charlie, you can do it with Renee." He whispered into my arms.

"But Renee is really observant. She reads mystery books all the time. Who knows what she'll think when she sees me like this!" I gestured to my body. Edward gazed appreciativly at me, studying me from head to toe.

"She'll think, 'I have a beautiful, happy daughter. If she's happy, I'm happy.'". Edward said to me, "She loves you, Bella. All she wants is for you to be happy. Are you happy?" He questioned me.

I rolled my eyes, "Happier than I have ever been." I stared into his eyes.

"Then everything is going to be fine." He assured me.

"Do you like my dress?!" Renesmee voice suddenly burst through my thoughts. I turned from Edward to see Renesmee standing in the middle of the room with an adorable little red dress on. She head so red flats on her feet, and her hair was as ringlity as ever.

"Renesmee, you're beautiful!" I shrieked. I ran over to her and picked her up, and gave her a hug.

"Thanks, Moma!" She smiled. I walked her over to the couch, went back into Edward's lap, and then piled Renesmee on top.

"You do look beautiful, Renesmee." Edward agreed.

"Thanks, Dad." Renesmee glowed.

"Are you ready?" Edward looked at me.

"Yes. I hope." My eyes filled with fear.

"Then let's head up to the house." Edward suggested. Renesmee jumped on my back, and I took Edward's hand. He guided us to the house to meet my fate.

Continuation of the Twilight Series: Breaking DawnWhere stories live. Discover now