Continuation of Breaking Dawn- Chapter 9

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Continuation of Breaking Dawn- Chapter 9

Oh my God! Here it is! The one you've all been waiting for! Sorry I took so long, I've been really busy with school, friends, and family. I finally found some time (At 2:00 in the morning) to write! Hope it's quality at this hour. Enjoy! : )

"Okay Bella, are you ready?" Alice eyed me.

"No, I'm not ready!" I shrieked in horror.

"Well, it's too late now, Bella." Alice rolled her eyes.

"Alice, please..." I begged aimlessy.

"Just go answer the door, Bella. She's been waiting!" Alcie started to get impatient.

"Ugh! FINE!" I cried and walked nervously towards the door. I slowly turned the knob, and creeked the door open lightly.

"Oh, er, excuse me." Renee slipped awkwardly by me, hanging up her jacket on the coat hanger. She looked around the room, and straight away went up to Esme.

"Esme! It's been too long! How are you?" Renee beemed, and hugged her.

"It has been too long. We must stay in touch. I've been excellent." She smiled.

"Er, Mo-" I tried to say, until she cut me off and went to Carlisle.

"Good to see you, Dr.Carlisle." Renee hugged him lightly.

"Edward, hope you've been taking good care of Bells while she's been off in University! A big step for you all, eh?" She nudged Edward playfully. Edward smiled at her, then looked away.

"So, were is she? Where's Bella?" My Mom asked, confused, searching around the room.

"Mom, I'm right here..." I said quietly. Mom spun around and looked at me.

"I'm sorry...But you're not Bella." My Mom smiled, confused.

"No, it's me, Mom. It's Bella." I re-assured her. She looked me up in down for quite awhile, shaking her head in awe.

"Bella? Baby, is this really you?" Renee asked.

"It's me, alright." I tried to laugh, but it came out more like a cry of help.

"Do you like what I've done with her usual makeup? I'd say it's a total change!" Alice said awkwardly, trailing off.

"This isn't just makeup, this is a whole new Bella. I mean, you're still you, just much different. Bella, what happened?" Renee asked, peering at me from under her sunglass which she finally took off and placed on the top of her head.

"I grew up?" I thought aloud. Rosalie clamped her hand over her mouth, forcing herself to not let giggles escape.

"Bella, I'm not stupid. Please, please, don't lie to me." She looked hurt, and it made me feel terrible. But how would I word this?

"Mom, I can't explain what happened...But it's already happened, and it can't go away, and I love being THIS Bella." I told her blissfully, reminiscing on the past year I've had with my family.

My Mom just continued to stare at me, then she finally turned around to look at the rest of them.

"Who's this?" Renee smiled at Renesmee. I gulped. She must've heard me.

"Bella?" She asked, concerned, "Who is this?"

"It's, uh, it's Rose's nephew!" I spit out. Rose looked at me in disbelief, a 'I can't believe you just dragged me into this' look on her face.

"Bella, she'd be a niece, not a nephew. Now stop lying to me, and tell me who she actually is." Renee said sternly.

"She's our daughter, Renesmee." The words flowed out of my mouth. I wanted to take them back, yet it felt so good to tell my Mom the TRUTH, what she deserved.

"You're DAUGHTER?!" My Mom nearly screamed. She looked at me, Edward, then Renesmee, and then slowly fell to the floor.

"MOM!" I shrieked.

Continuation of the Twilight Series: Breaking DawnWhere stories live. Discover now