A/N: My fingers were hurting just posting this. The struggles are real.(Joking...just joking. Don't send Sebby after meh with a - nvm)
"If you want to be around in 10 years you've got to do something to differentiate yourself from the pack."
"I emote. I love things so much."
"The point is that when I see a sunset or a waterfall or something, for a split second it's so great, because for a little bit I'm out of my brain, and it's got nothing to do with me. I'm not trying to figure it out, you know what I mean? And I wonder if I can somehow find a way to maintain that mind stillness."
"Nothing is worse than a beautiful girl fishing for compliments by saying how gross she is. On the flip side, I find genuine humility and modesty attractive."
"I like girls who are self-deprecating. I like girls who make fun of themselves. If you can't poke fun at yourself, what are you? I just want someone with a good soul. That's about it. The rest I'm really flexible on."
"I swear to God, if you saw me when I am by myself in the woods, I'm a lunatic. I sing, I dance."
"It seems like the studios are either making giant blockbusters, or really super-small indies. And the mid-level films I grew up on, like 'Back to the Future' and all those John Hughes movies, the studios aren't doing. It's hard to get them on their feet."
"I like pursuing new endeavors. That's part of the reason I wanted to direct. I like to create things. I'm a Gemini. I'm always looking for something new."
"The majority of the world is empty space. Empty space, empty space, empty space. All that we see in the world, the life, the animals, plants, people - it's all empty space. That's amazing!"
"I hate myself in interviews. All of a sudden, you stop and you're like, 'Chris, how dare you?' I don't live in Darfur. I have both legs. But you can't walk around all the time being like, 'I'm so grateful I'm not in Darfur.'"
"I really love the sound of my dog snoring."
"The comic book world is so dangerous, you know what I mean? You say one thing and people - they're ravenous - they are very opinionated fans. But they're great fans."
Okay that's enough. It's too much already. *is still pushing her luck, slowly creeps out of room*
Quotes With The Most
Random"I'm known for being quite vexing, I'm just forewarning you..." - Harley Quinn. Basically a random collection of Quotes and phrases, and maybe poems later on or in between. Quotes are not by the usual people you might find in other books, so jus...