Day 2

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*Harry's POV*

I just laid there waiting for them to come and tell me my next challenge. It was about 7 in the morning.

They came in and handed me shorts. Swimming shorts.

"What do I need these for?" I said. "Today's challenge. I hope you can hold your breath for a couple minuets." he said. I was scared.

I put the shorts on and went out to see what today's awful challenge was going to be. It was a giant tube or ice and water. It had a small opening in the top and one at the end with a key tied to a string hanging over it.

I couldn't breath. The air in my lungs was sucked out. If I didn't make it to the other side id die in the tube.

"This tube is 5 feet wide and 200 feet long. Fail to complete this challenge and die." the voice said.

I walked up to the water tube and put my foot in. "Holy heck!!! What it the tempter of this water!!!??" I yelled. And nothing they just ignored me.

Okay I can do this.... Or maybe not... No! Yes I can do this! Okay deep breath....

I took a deep breath and jumped. Once I hit the water I almost lost my breath, but I managed to swim to the surface. "You have 5 minuet your time starts now."

I took another deep breath and swam down and started my way a crossed. I put my hands on each side of the walls and pushed my self a crossed.

I couldn't feel my toes. I was starting to lose the power to move on. I about half way through and it was 2 minuets and 14 seconds in. I wanted to get out and I was losing. I pushed my self and I was there. I grabbed the key and took a breath. It had 8 seconds left. I had been under there for almost 5 minuets but I survived.

I hopped out and waited for the man to come and give me my close. He came and took he key and put it with the other one and handed me sweat pants, a sweat shirt, under wear, socks, and a short sleeved shirt and took me to a different room.

I walked in and saw all the boys. I couldn't help but cry happy tears.

We all ran into a group hug.

"HARRY YOURE ALIVE!!!! " Louis yelled.

"LOUIS YOURE ALIVE!!! LIAM YOURE ALIVE!! NIALL YOURE ALIVE!!! ZAYN YOURE ALIVE!!!" I yelled. "I thought you all were hurt! I saw it with my own eyes!! They beat you and stabbed you!" I said

"It was all staged. They faked it all!" Niall said. "I thought you died! We haven't seen you in 2 weeks! How are you doing!?" Liam said.

I told them everything. I told them about the hot coals, the ice water, the fact if I didn't make it in the first challenged one if them would have died. Niall told me he would have died and that the next day it would have been Louis. It was so nice seeing them, Knowing they weren't in pain, well as bad as I thought they were in. Just being in this place was painful.

We all stayed up and talked and watch a movie and ate food. We went to bed in fear of what tomorrow would bring.


Sorry for the long wait! I've been sick and have taken sleep Medicean at night :/ and that's when I write but thank you for reading I'm thankful for everyone of you :)


Follow me on Instagram @Loven_LiamPayne

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