Day 3 Part 2

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*Zayn's POV*





I jumped into the tube and instantly felt the steaming hot steam. It was burning it was so hot. I could barely breath. They closed the tube behind me just as I started to back out.

Okay I can do this. Just focus. Breath. Inhale (well as well as I can) out hale.


When I got my thoughts together I started to crawl forward. They said I had 35 minuets before the tear gas was dropped.

I was crawling for about 5 minuets and I had gotten use the the air and the pain. I came to a two way split. I was really panicked.

Okay just think. I have about 20 minuets left and have no room for mistakes. Okay. My mind says left but ill go to the right cause with my luck id die on the left.

So I went right.

Another 5 minuets passed.

I was getting really worried I had made the wrong move and I was going to turn back. I crawled about ten more feet and there it was. Right before my eyes. The tube was opened and it was hanging from the celling. There was monkey bars about 30 feet a crossed and then it was at the end.

I grabbed on and started my way a crossed and I pulled my self up and grabbed the key.

"Congratulations Mr. Malik you have completed your challenge. You may go back to your band members and rest." I voice said.

A man came and got me down and took me back to the room.

"ZAYNS BACK!!!" Niall yelled. He jumped on top of me and gave me a big hug. "Oh thank The Lord!! I thought you were dead!!" He said. "Zayn!!! You're alive!" the other boys said. Harry was up and walking around. He looked much better than when I left. "What did you have to do? You look really red." Harry said.

I told him what they made me do. "That sounds awful." Liam said. "It was awful." I said back.

*Louis's POV*

"Now we have to discuss who's going tomorrow." Louis said. "Definitely Not Zayn and Harry are out of the question so it's between Niall, Liam and I." Louis said. "I want to do it." Niall said. "I don't know Niall." I said. "Louis I can do this. Give me a chance. Ill do it then you then Liam. Then we will start all over." Niall said. "Okay." Liam and I said at the same time.


Thank you so much for your comments and votes!! I love you all it means the world to me.

Sorry this is kinda a short chapter.

Follow me on Instagram @Loven_LiamPayne


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