Part 22. DEATH

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*Niall's POV*

It had been about 5 minuets after Zayn disappeared and then the floor started to shake again. I really didn't want to be next but I also didn't want to be last. The floor gave out and Harry was gone. "Are we all just going to go one by one?" Louis asked. "If I knew Louis I would tell you. But I don't we all don't know." Liam said. "Guys we might die in the next 15 minuets... And you are freaking arguing!?! I should have known. You two are so stupid and I am so disappointed that I'm dying with you guy's." I said. It was a moment of silence and then the floor started to shake. "I am so sorry I love you guy and I wouldn't want to die with anyone els...." the floor gave out. I was sinking. lower and lower into freezing cold water. I can't believe I just yelled at two of my best friends right before I die. I could barely feel my feet. I looked up and the light was fading. I couldn't hold my breath anymore. I closed my eyes and let it out slowly. The I felt a thump. my feet could feel air. The water was draining or rising? The air rose higher and higher. I felt it hit my mouth and I took a huge breath and started coughing and coughing. "Hello Niall. welcome to the ALA aka After Life Academy.

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