My Savior (Captain America)

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My Savior (Captain America)

You and Steve were walking on the beach, spending precious moments together hand in hand. “I love you" you send, standing on your tip toes to press your lips gently to his. He wrapped his hands around your waist and deepened the kiss slightly before pulling away. “Excuse me, I’ll be right back" he said slipping out towards the concessions. You giggled, and continued walking. Ugh you thought to yourself, so hot. The sky was grey and the waves were high. Perfect surfing weather, but not so great beach weather since it was like 100,000 degrees outside which hung in a muggy, hazy cloud. You looked at the water, and decided to take a quick dip. You walked in and slowly let the water lap at your calves, and then knees, thighs and finally waist. Your body temperature slowly dropping. As you were walking you tripped and went down, soaking you from head to toe. “Well I’m already wet" you thought, throwing your once curly hair, now a wet mat, into a bun and sliding into the water. Swimming wasn’t your strong point but you loved it anyway. You felt like a fish as you swam out farther and farther away from the shore. Looking back you realized you had swum out way too far and decided to swim back. You could feel a heavy pull at your ankles and you realized there was an extremely heavy under tow. Better go back in you thought, panicking slightly. You were pushing as hard as you could to swim into shore, only to be drug out farther. Your arms were too tired to swim anymore when the undertow took you down. Shocked you took in a huge breath filling your lungs with salt water. You weakly tried to fight the current, to no avail. Your eyes, nose and throat were burning. Your brain was slowly clouding over. You thought a final goodbye to Steve and your family before you let the darkness totally consume you.

~3 hours later~

*Cough, Cough, Cough* you woke up practically choking to death on salt water. Your throat and nose were on fire, and your stomach was just blah. “Shhh baby its ok" Steve says holding your hair back. He kissed your forehead and pulled you into his lap cradling you into his arms. You started to cry as horrible flash backs of drowning crossed your vision, making you cringe. “It’s ok (y/n), hey, hey look at me (y/n) Look at me!" he coaxed as you cringed and closed your eyes. You slowly opened your eyes and Chris wiped your tears away. “Shh your fine my love" You cried into his chest until your tears ran dry. “I’m so sorry" you said hugging his chest tighter. He held you close and rocked back and forth, whispering soothing words into your ear. When you finally calmed down, he tucked you both into bed and put in Captain America. You both watch the movie together, you falling asleep and him holding you close, playing with your hair, rubbing the thin line of exposed skin on your hip, or whispering secrets into your hair.

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