Why Does Everyone Want Me To Change?

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"Eevee use Quick Attack!" My trainer, Sam shouted. I ran towards the Ratatta and knocked it to the ground. The Pokémon let out a small squeak before it fainted on the ground. I smiled at Sam. "I defeated it in one attack! Did you see that?!" I said, jumping up and down. But of course, he didn't understand me. "Eevee, Return." I withdrew back into my PokéBall. I looked at my home, with my pink cushions and pink table. I also had a window, that gave me a view of the outside world. So I can view what is going on outside. Home, Sweet, Home. I lied on my soft, fluffy, pink bed.

"So Eevee, what do you want to be? A Vaporeon, a Sylveon, a Flareon? I sighed. "I don't want to change." My trainer sat down on the grass and took a Fire, Water, and Lightning Stone out of his bag. "What one?" He asked. I shook my head and walked away. He smiled. "So you don't want to be any of them? OK, so you have more choices." No, I don't want to change. I like myself, just the way I am. "I think I want you to be a Sylveon, because we need to defeat the Dragon Type Gym. I wanna help him, I really do, but I don't want to change. I like being a Eevee. Why doesn't he understand? "Or maybe, you can be an Umbreon! Those are pretty cool." He said happily. I shrugged. "Okay." I said unamused. "Now, let's train you some more!" I nodded. Hey, I like to battle.

We set off on Route 15, a trainer locked eyes with Sam and we begun to battle. The female trainer sent out a Maril while Sam nodded to me. "Eevee Swift!" I absorbed my power sand released dozens of stars at the Maril. "Counter the attack with Bubble!" She said. Bubbles came flying out of the Maril's mouth and collided with my stars. Luckily, my stars were sharp, and popped all the bubbles, then rammed into the Maril. "Mar!" The mouse Pokémon shouted. "Waste no time, use Bite Eevee!!!" I ran to the Maril and bit it on the shoulder. "Maril Slam!" The trainer shouted. The Maril struggled to get up, but I was fast and I used bite again to finish her. The Maril fainted. My trainer smiled and hugged me. "Good job." I smiled. "Thanks."

We travelled all the way to the Ice Rock, at least that's what I call it. It was a huge rock, covered in ice. Exactly what it sounds like. Sam decided he wants me to be a Glaceon, even though I told him, I don't know his many times, that I want to stay me. I don't want to evolve. Why can't he love me for who I am?

"OK, all you need to do, is touch this rock and defeat a wild Pokémon." Sam said. I gulped. I don't want to do this. I don't want to change. I want to stay the same. But... I have to obey. He is my trainer. I walked over to the rock and pressed my paw against it. The ice sent shivers down my body. It was so cold. I turned around and followed Sam to the nearest patch of grass. It was time. Time to battle. Time to evolve.

The Swinub used Tackle, which I dodged easily. "Go at it with Swift!" I nodded and sent my stars at the pig Pokémon. The Pokémon fell, but quickly got back up. "Swi!!!" It called and sent a Ice Shard at me. I gasped as the cold icicles buried in my fur. "Use bite!" I ran to the Swinub, but before I could get there, the Pokémon used Icy Wind. I froze on my way there, it's so cold. I shivered and began to run at the Pokémon again. I bit onto it, causing the Pokémon to lose a lot of health. "Good job! Now finish with Scratch!" I leaped at the Pokémon again and clawed at it's fur. The Swinub let out a shrill cry and fainted on the ground. Then, I started to evolve...

I started to glow, but then, I felt pain. I felt deep, pain. My head started to ache, I started to feel dizzy. I felt cold. I screamed in alarm, this isn't how evolution was supposed to feel like! This was the complete opposite!!! I screamed even more, at the horrible pain. "Ahhhh!" I yelled, then I collapsed. Onto the snow. I panted for breath as Sam stood next to me. "Are you OK?" I didn't answer. "I had too stop your evolution." I nodded. "Wanna try again?" I stood up shakily, and started to back away. "Why can't you love me for who I am?" I asked, with tears in my eyes. "Why does everyone want me to change?"

"Because no one likes Eevee, no one wants you to stay the same, your trainer is just like the rest." A voice said. "Who is that?!" "No one you need to know, kill him Eevee, kill them all. They treat you like a object. You are a living creature. You have feelings! He won't listen, show him. Show him how strong you are!" At first, I didnt want to listen to the voice. I couldn't. But what it said was true. It was. I smiled at my trainer. "Fine, let's try again, this time, its my turn."

"Eevee use Quick Attack!" My trainer yelled. I ignored him. "Eevee listen to me!" I rolled my eyes. "Eevee, you stupid Pokémon! Attack!!!" I stood up slowly and stared at him. "That's all you ever tell me to do! Why can't I make my own decisions?! Why dies everyone boss me around?! Why does everyone want me to change..." I said in a whisper. "You-you talk?!" My trainer said in awe. I ignored him. "You humans are all the same! Every last one of you!" OK, what am I saying?! I tried to move, but I couldn't. Something or someone was controlling me! "I'm sorry Sam." I said. "I don't want to change."

I stared in shock at what I've done. His blood covered my fur. His eyes were still open, in shock. I killed him. I killed my own trainer. I backed away from his body slowly. "I'm sorry." I said. "I'm sorry!" I screamed into the sky. "I just wanted to be me. I didn't want to change. But you never listened." I yelled, as tears slid down my cheeks. "Why does everyone want me to change?!"

I think I kinda did a sloppy job on this one. *sighs* I might go back and edit it later. I donno for sure though.

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