Poké Walker

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"Don't worry Sparky, I'll get you back soon." That was the last sentence I've ever heard from my trainer.

I was in Illex Forest, chasing Pokémon around and finding items. "What are you doing here?" A Caterpie asked. "Oh, ugh, nothing. My trainer sent me here to battle and level myself up." The Caterpie smirked. "You don't know where you are, do you?" I laughed. 'Of course I do!!! I'm in Illex Forest!!!" "No your not." Said the Caterpie. "Your in Hell." I was about to ask more, but the bug Pokémon fled away, deeper into the forest.

"Don't mind him." A voice said. "His trainer left him here, and never came back." I turned my head to see a Jolteon, next to me. She was a bright yellow with a fierce gaze. "I'm Sunny." She said. "I'm Sparky." I tried to hide my blush, but I think she noticed, because she giggled. "Your new here, aren't you?" She asked. I nodded, to afraid to speak, because I didn't want to say the wrong thing. "Don't mind some of the Pokémon here. They don't like being without they're trainers." "Yea." I said, sitting down. "I hate to be away from my trainer long too." "Don't worry Sparky, you'll get used to it."

I chased after a falling leaf, trying to catch it. I've been in the forest for a few days now, getting border every day. "Hey Sparky!" A voice yelled. I stopped and let the leaf fall slowly to the ground. "Hi Sunny." I said. Sunny was my greatest friend here. Most Pokémon were strange. Like, really strange. I'm note saying that because they were different types, but because they were insane. I've seen many crazy Pokémon in my life, but not like these ones. I've seen Pokémon talking to they're selves. I've seen some literally claw they're selves to death. It's crazy!!

"So did your trainer check on you yet?" She asked. I shook my head. "Not yet, but I know she'll come for me. I was one of her first Pokémon."

Sunny sat in silence while I told her about how I met Serena. I told her about being given up by my previous trainer and given to Serena. I told her about all my Gym Battles and about defeating the Elite Four. I told her about the Hall Of Fame and everything else. She was a great listener. I admired how she questioned me and listened to my life.

Shje also told me about herself. About how she was caught and how she picked what Eeveelution she evolved into. I listened carefully, but couldn't help but stare at her beautiful eyes and how she looked at me.

Whenever I saw her, Beautiflies filled my chest. I felt nervous around her, yet comfortable. I shared all my deepest darkest secrets with her. Because I knew, that she wouldn't tell a soul. We would always meet at the tallest tree. We called it the Tree off Sparks. I don't know why, maybe because we were electric types. Or maybe because of my name.

But one day, I waited. But she never came. I sat in front of that tree for hours. Waiting for her to come back. Waiting to meet her. But she never came.

I waited in front of the tree for hours at a time. Feeling lonely. She was my only friend. She kept me going when my trainer didn't. I couldn't help but feel abandoned, for the second time.

I didn't move from my spot. Not to eat, nor to drink. I was afraid if I moved, I'd miss her. She might go past me, and not notice me.

The sky seemed to grow darker day by day. I seemed to grow more desperate. Desperate for Sunny and for my trainer.

My stomach growled for food, but I stood my ground. I vowed to not leave until Sunny arrives.

That's when I realized. The forest seemed to disappear. The sun was gone completely. Darkness was my only friend.

I waited and waited. I noticed that I was completely alone. No Pokémon were here. No sun, no wind, nothing. Finally, I gave in. I stood up to walk, but my legs collapsed on me. I fell to the ground, and my body hurt. I couldn't move. I couldn't call for help. I felt weak. I felt tired. My vision faded in and out.

I couldn't tell what was real or not.

Before I knew it, everything was black. The sky, the grass, everything.

Then I began to fade. First my paws began to fade. My vision did too. The last thing I heard, was Sunny calling my name.

"Sunny?" I asked weakly.

"Sparky?!?! Can you get up?!?!" She asked.

"Sunny." I whispered.

"Sparky! Please stay with me!" She begged.

"Sunny I-I love you." I managed to say.

"Hold on! Don't leave!!!"

"I-I can't. It's dark." I said.

"No Sparky! It's not!!! Come back!" She yelled. I could feel the pain in her voice. Or was it my pain.

"I....can't.....it's.....too.......late....." I took a last shuddering breathe, as everything fully darkened.

"Sparky!!! Don't leave!!! I love you!!!

Her words rang in my ears, as my heart stopped, and my breath did too.

Okay guys!!! I based this off of my Poke Walker that I accidentally left my Pokémon, Sparky in, when I deleted the game. So yea....then the battery died......

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