Chapter Three

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He only caught a glimpse of white before he was on his back. His head smacked against the base of the slide, and white flecks swam dizzyingly across his vision. The girl and her mom were screaming, but he heard it like he was underwater. "Run!" he croaked, trying to sit up, but something held fast to his ankle. 

There's the muffled noise of footsteps, and they were gone. Phil began to feel himself being pulled backwards across the ground, the woodchips of the playground scrapping painfully across his back.

He tries to sit up, reaching for whatever had grabbed him, but he was being dragged along the ground at an alarming speed, he had to focus on avoid tree stumps and brambles.

He can't even see what had him, it was too dark and he could barely raise his head. "Let me go!" he rasps, his fingers fumbling along the ground behind him, trying to find something sturdy to grab, but they were going too fast, even if he managed to grab something, he surely wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

Directly above him, he sees a flash of the little girl's pink coat, then it was gone. He was going even deeper into the forest.

Finally, whatever, it must be a what, no person could drag him though the forest like that, stops. Phil lays still for a moment, his head spinning.

As soon as he realizes, he sits up, reaching for his ankle. There was nothing there anymore. He jumps to his feet, looking around. He had to get out of this forest.

A twig cracks behind him and he jumps, looking around. Nothing. He looks around in a circle and nearly keels over from dizziness. Dropping to his hands and knees, he notices something dark dripping onto the leaves right in front of his face.

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