Chapter 2 Explaining

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  "David!" I hear a voice behind me. I turn around to see Becky, my best friend. She wears glasses in front of her dark blue eyes, and short brown hair.

         "Hey, Becky." I say.

           "Hey David! I just wanted to say good mornign and I hope to see you after school today!"

         "What's after school today?"

          "You're birthday party silly! I got the entire school together adn we are going to throw you an eightenth birthday party! Since you're the most popular guy in this school!" She said cheerfully. Since I was the team leader of the basketball team, everyone knew me. Becky was the only one that I actually enjoyed talking to . Even though no one liked when I talked to her.

             "Thank you Becky. I would love to go. I might not be able to, since there's backsetball practice after school today."

             "It's at ten. So you should be able to. Right? If you can't then I gues we could do it later." She said, lowering her head. I put a finger under her chin and pushed her head up so I could see her eyes.

           "I'll be there, I promise." I said with a smile. I closed my locker and walked away.

         I walked into chemistry to see Brittany Ashley, the lead cheerlearder, standing at a lab table. She spots me and leans over the lab table and stares at me as I walk to my seat next to an empty chair. I see Brittany hop on the table and cross her legs. She continues to stare me down as the bell rings. I open my book and got out my homework when I hear the door open. I look up and see a girl walk in. She is about five foot nine, with hair golden brown, eyes as blue and deep as the sea, with her arms wrapped around her text books. She walkes to the teacher, hands him a slip of paper as he points to the empty seat next to me. She walks over and sits next to me.

               "Excuse me, may I sit here?" She said, through her thick british accent.

  I cleared my throat. "Y-yes you can! Of course." I say, patting the seat next to me. She smiled, sat down, and laid her books on the table.

She turned to me, "Hey, my names Isabelle." She said with her hand out. I grab it.

    "My name's David, nice to meet you." I said. She just giggled and turned to the teacher.


I lean against the door o my truck to wait to see Isabelle. When I see her walk out, I see Becky right next to her smiling and talking. Isabelle is holding books in her arms and laughing along with Becky. They walk over to me and Becky.

             "Hey David! Have you met Isabelle?" She said/

             "Yes, we have chemistry together. Now."

             "You didn't tell me that Isabelle!" She said turning to her.

             "I didn't know you knew him Becky." Isabelle said.

      Becky gasps, then looks at me and smiles. I smile back. I open the door to my truck and climb in. keep my leg hanging out as I continue to talk.

         "It was nice meeting you today, Isabelle. And Becky. I look foward to your party tonight." I said.

       "we'll be here! Waiting on you!" Becky said as they walk off. I turn my key and back up, then headed for the exit. As I slow to a stop I see something out of the corner of my eye. I turn to see a wolf. It's brown hair mixed in with black, staring its peircing red eyes at me. I stare at it, and when it feels like an hour we've been staring I hear a horn behind me. I jump and turn back to where the wolf was, to find that it had disappeared. I sped off towards my house to get ready for basketball practice.

        I drove to my house in a hurry, I parked behind Margerette's car as I got out of my truck I saw the same wolf I did at school. I stared at it as it walked closer to me. I tensed up as it got closer and closer. When it got close enought for me to touch it, I reached my trembling hand out to it and waited. THe wolf paused, looked at my hand, then back at me. It walked slowly toward my hand and sniffed it. Then it did something I didn't think would happen. It glowed, with a blueish green hue, then when it stood on it/s back legs, I shut my eyes. The light was so bright, it felt like I was looking straight at the sun. Then everything went dark. I open my eyes, looking straight as my eyes adjust to the darkness. I stared at the figure showing itself through the blackness. It looked like a woman, a short woman, about four feet tall. She had long black hair, hanging at her shoulders. Her face was round, pale, her round nose was small, her lips were red and full. her nails were at leasts two inches long. Her eyes were as red as rose, I stared at her beauty. She was thin, but not too thin.  She wore a red skirt, and a brown vest over a white shirt. She had a wristband on, it said something, but I couldn't make it out. She took a step towards me.

          "So, you're the David everyone's talkin' 'bout," She said with  southern accent. "You seem as harmless as a fly."

             "Leave him along, Areila." A male voice said behind me. I turn to see a black man, with a long black cloke on. His face was hidden underneath the hood, his chest and hands were visable, with little pink scars etched in his skin. The man reached up and pulled his hood down. His face, a face you couldn't forget. His nose was big, round, he had deep green eyes, he was bald, and he had a loing scar begining at the top of his head, over his left eye and down tot he corner of his thin lips. The man stared at the woman he called Areila.

         "And why should I do that, Thomas?" She said keeping her eyes on me.

         "Because, your husband told you to."

          "You aren't my husband. Not anymore, not since you left me after the war."

        "I didn't leave you, I decieved God, so I was kicked out of heaven, you know that.'' He paused. "Now listen, you need to leave this boy alone. It's not his time yet, the boy is my doing, and I need to keep him safe, you need to leave now." He said pointing to the woods, then she turned to Thomas, tears filling her eyes.

       "He's my doing to!" She said looking at him, "This isn't the last time you will see me, I can promise you that." She turned around and ran into the woods. 

            "What the hell?" I said.

            "Don't say that." Thomas said.

           "Sorry, who was that?"

             "My wife. Areila. She's a werewolf."

           "Your wife? You married a werewolf?"

             "Yes. I did. But I didn't know she was when we met. But I found out when she got pregnant. She had five children. We knew she was when all but two died in the first month, I knew. See, werewolves are half and half, but Areila, she was more wolf than human. She was also angel. Her mother was Nephilim, while her father was a werewolf. So, when she had her children, the angel being overpowered the werewolf being, this killing all but two. We were devistated. But then, I knew, the two that survived, were special. That's what I'm doing here."

          "Lovely story, but I have to go. I have a birthday party to attend."

         "Is it you're eighteenth birthday?

            "Yes. It is. Now excuse me I have to go and get ready." I said as I turn to the front door.

         "Oh no," Thomas said as he chuckled. "I'm afraid you can't leave. You are the one I'm looking for. My son." I stopped and turned towards him. Then he unfurled his dark black wings, grabbed me, then jumped into the air.

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