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The rain had long turned into a sunny day with a clear sky as a couple walked through the streets of Paris. Both laughing and stuttering at each other as they spoke. A peaceful day for the citizens of Paris and the hero's of the beloved city. Marinette smiled happily at the blue sky as water drops fell from verandas and pots onto the puddles on the ground. Little kids ran outside to jump into the larger puddles with their friends as their parents protested from behind. She giggled as she watched the parents run after their little devils and then get caught up in a game of tag. Even Adrien stared at the happy families as they laughed the day away.

Adrien wished he could go back to being a toddler and playing with his mother and brother. To the times when he was still able to get piggyback rides from his father shoulders and tight hugs from his mother's arms. His older brother would take him out and let him stick around him. Felix was an idol for Adrien; always calm, cool, and collected. He could see why Marinette became his friend and become so close to him. The two were quite similar in terms of personality although Marinette had more sunshine than Felix.

"Hey, Marinette, how did you meet Felix?" Adrien asked as they walked to the park with a picnic basket.

"Where did the basket come from?" Marinette pointed as she looked around before seeing the silver car drive off. "Ah, never mind."

"Yeah, I asked Nathalie and Gorilla to prepare it and wait here with it," Adrien laughed before they got to bench, a very wet bench.

"That's right...the rain," Adrien sighed as Marinette giggled and took out a rag.

"I put the rag in this morning in case I needed to dry off any place the umbrella didn't protect me from," Marinette wiped down the bench as Adrien smiled.

"Thank you, Marinette. Sorry about that, I didn't think about the rain," Adrien chuckled as he sat down and put the basket in between them.

"It's fine, Adrien. Thank you for taking me out today!" Marinette grinned and Adrien felt his heart skip a beat.

"No, it's my pleasure," Adrien smiled back and the two dug into the sandwiches and pudding.

They spoke for about an hour and Marinette was having the time of her life. Adrien was also very punny like Chat, something that made her groan and laugh at the same time. Marinette was also quite confident and witty like Ladybug, Adrien was swooning. Adrien felt like he was with her when he was Chat, free and wild. Marinette felt like Ladybug with Chat, witty and expressive. The two turned to each other with large eyes and grins as an arm blocked their vision from each other and into the basket.

"Hey, what are you...Felix?!" Marinette stood up to see her friend nibbling on a sandwich

"Brother, what are you doing here?" Adrien turned to him with a slight annoyance evident in his voice.

"Ah, well, I was walking around after being in the study for so long and went to the park around here and saw you two. Mari, when you said you had a date I didn't know it was with Adrien," Felix nibbled on his sandwich as he stared at the girl.

"Mari? Wait, you told him you were going on a date?" Adrien turned to Marinette.

"I-it was a spur of the moment thing!" Marinette suddenly felt like she did something very wrong.

Tiki felt the need to come out of Marinette's purse and scold Felix. He knew how the two felt about each other surely! An overprotective mother is what Plagg would call her with each of the holders. She couldn't help it! Felix sighed as he dropped his head before standing up and walking past the small girl, rubbing her head affectionately. Adrien's eyebrow twitched as he stood up suddenly, grabbing Marinette and pulling her into his arms. Marinette yelped as Felix stared in slight shock.

I Missed You Too, FelixWhere stories live. Discover now