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Week of Updates- Day 6


"It's just some weird coincidence that's all."

"You are not telling me that our son drawing a picture of our deaths is a coincidence, are you?"

"He has a big imagination. Maybe that's how he saw something in his mind and decided to make us there so we like it more. This is silly, Rafael. He's just having fun."

"I knew we should've never sent him to public school. As soon as he started kindergarten he began to act like this. I just don't understand." He sighed.

Laura looked at the picture, "It's actually a really nice drawing. He did a good job with this one." She went over to the fridge and hung the picture up with a magnet.

"Do you really think it's good to let him see that we hung that up? He's going to think that it's okay to do things like that and be like this forever."

"Rafael, relax. It's not like our son is turning into a crazy muderer or something."

"Watch, in 15 years tops, if we continue to let Matthew think that this is okay, he's going to end up in a place like Fou. We need to set some grounds here. Fou isn't a joke, and neither is murder."

"I understand, but I want our son to express his thoughts and emotions. And if this is how he feels, so be it." She made sure the picture was in a viewable place for Matthew to see on the fridge and walked out of the room.

Rafael looked at the picture, what happened to his son?

He took the picture off the fridge and ripped it into thousands of tiny peices before he finally threw it away.


Short little chapter ❤️

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