Chose Your Side

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Warnings: Is Darkiplier or Antisepticeye a warning? Smut.

You sat on the couch watching a new series you destined to get addicted to. Then you hear Mark and Sean fighting in the kitchen. Fighting? Really?
They're such great friends, what would they even fight about?
You sneak towards the kitchen and listen in.
“She doesn't even like you,” Mark says darkly, it almost didn't sound like him. So they're fighting over a girl?
“Yes she does, she'd never fall for a jock like you,” Sean says back angrily, he doesn't even sound like himself either.
“Oh yeah?” he says darkly, “I happen to know that Y/n loves muscular men, don't you Y/n?”
You froze. They're talking about you?
You awkwardly step in.
“Um uh, hi,” you say nervously. They both stare at you.
“So?” Jack asks. Wait, are his eyes a different color?
“Um what?” you asked really confused.
“Darling, you're lucky you're so gorgeous, who do you choose? Me or this pathetic loser?” Mark rudely says. You couldn't believe Mark would actually say something like that about you or Sean.
“Well definitely not you, bitch,” you reply angrily. He growls and slams his hands on your shoulders, nearly grabbing your neck. You look up at him in fear. He softens a little.
“I am so sorry darling, but you shouldn't be calling be names, or you will be punished,” he says adjusting your shirt. You stay still. You're afraid to speak or even move.
“Great job, you scared her,” says Sean rolling his eyes. Mark shoots him dark glare.
“Just shut up you scrawny piece of shit,” Mark replies calmly.
“What fuck is going on? Mark, why are you acting so mean?!” you yell out of confusion. Mark is usually so nice.
“Oh darling, don't confuse me Mark please, he's a disgrace, my name is Dark,” he says gentleman like, bowing in front of you. You stare at him not sure what to do.
“Yeah and I'm AntiSepticEye,” says ‘Sean’ pointing his thumb to his chest. You stare at both of them shocked. Then you burst laughing.
“Wow,” you say wiping a fear tears, “You guys really got me going, how long have you been planning this?”
You smile and sit on the counter top. They look at you with confused faces. Then Mark smirks and walks towards you.
“M-mark?” you question feeling a little nervous. He stands close in front of you, his waist in between your legs.
“Mark, what are you do-?” you asked quietly while your stomach fills with butterflies. His right hand starts to travel up your thigh. He holds up your chin with his thumb and index finger.
“Would Mark ever do this?” he whispered, his breath hot. Then he kissed you. You couldn't help but kiss back. His lips felt so good against yours.
He put his hands on your waist rubbing up and down. He was slowly reaching up your shirt.
“Woah,” Anti stepped in, “What the fuck do you think er' doin' Dark?”
“Kissing my girlfriend,” Dark says shooting him a glare.
“Oh really? What makes you think that she would ever choose you?” Anti asks all sassy like.
“Well I am smarter and bigger than you, if you know what I mean,” he claims and winks at you. You blush. It was definitely not Mark. Mark has never ever shown an interest in you, at least not romantically.
You hear a grunt and Anti swings at M-Dark. Dark ducks and doesn't look very amused. Just as he was about to hit Anti you step in-between them.
“Move,” Darks says, “Please.”
“No, I can't let you hurt each other, you both are sharing bodies with my friends, and I don't want them to get hurt,” you say nervously.
“Well tell us who you choose and we'll try to stop fighting,” Anti says becoming less tense.
“I- can I just have some time to think?” you ask.
“No,” Dark says, “For how ever long I still am in control, I need to know whether you feel the same, I love you.”
“I need to know too, I also love you,” says Anti and Dark glared at him.
You couldn't just make this decision right away. You knew they wouldn't wait.
“I choose...
Dark .
“.... Dark,” you claim firmly. You've kinda always had a thing for strong men who are super polite.
“You won't regret this sweet heart,” Dark says with a smile and comes forward and kisses your hand, “I'll love you forever and always.”
“Fuck you both!” yells Anti marching out the door and slams it. You wince. What if he does something terrible?
“Ssshh,” coos Dark, “He'll be alright, he is not going to hurt Jack or their reputation, he's too smart for that.”
You look up at him and smile.
“Thanks,” you say.
“It's my pleasure to comfort you,” he says and kisses your lips tenderly. Then he started repeatedly kissing your lips. You yearned for more. He was such a good kisser. He kissed rough yet soft at the same time.
You both stayed kissing the entire way to Mark's bedroom. You laid on your back on the bed while Dark towered over you kissing you. He kissed and sucked on your neck leaving tons of purple red marks.
His hands began to trail up your shirt. Then he took off your shirt. He started once again kissing your lips.
“You're so gorgeous,” he whispered in between kisses.
Soon enough you were both stripped to your under garments. There was a lot of pulling, kissing, and rubbing. You both yearned for more.
Finally you both stripped completely naked. Dark sat on the edge of the bed while you sat on his bare lap grinding yourself against his dick.
“D-dark,” you moaned as he thrusted into you.
“You like baby girl?” he whispered heavily into your ear making you moan.
Soon the you both had came and finished.
You cuddled close together in the bed. You played with some of his hair. He smiled at you.
“You are the best thing on this terrible planet,” he whispers and kisses your nose. You close your eyes and smile.
“I love you,” you whispered sleepily clinging to his bare chest.
“I love you too beautiful,” he said and you drift to sleep.
“Y/n?!” you hear Mark yell and fall to the floor. You sit up quick and look down at Mark with your eyes wide. Oh shit.
Mark looks ever where but at you. You realize that you're still naked and cover yourself with his blanket.
“Did we- Did I- Wait, I don't remember a thing, WHAT the FUCK happened?!”
“.... Anti,” you say nervously.
“Fuck!” Dark yells and rushes out, breaking a vase on his way out.
“I can't believe it, you chose me, I love you so much,” Anti says happily picking you up by the hips and spins you around and kisses your nose. You smile and kiss his lips. He begins to kiss you back, but with more longing. You could tell he's been wanting you for a long time.
You wrapped your legs around his waist. He holds you up. You never really felt this way before. You loved him.
Soon Anti started walking to the guest room for somewhere more comfortable. He laid you on the bed and continued kissing you. You could feel him playing with the rim of your underwear. He separated from the kiss and looked into your eyes and asked if it was alright. You nodded eagerly and he procceded to unbutton you pants and pull them down.
He placed his hand in your sex, rubbing as he kissed and sucked on your neck. Doing so he earned many uncontrollable moans from you.
Finally he pulled out his dick and began to fuck you.
"Oh Anti," you moaned as his dick slammed into you, "yeah, more."
"You like that don't you?" He teased continuing to fuck you. Finally you both came, cuddled, and fell asleep.
"Y/n?!" Jack screamed and fell onto the floor, "did we fuck?!"
"Ummm yeah, I guess so," you replied pushing a piece of hair behind your ear embarassed.
"You roofied me!?" Jack yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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