Chapter 5: Emma Says Too Much

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The next morning, Aimee woke up before everyone else. She climbed out of bed and readied herself as quickly as she usually would on any other school day. Eventually Clifford and Molly were awake too. They both had to go to work and were already running late. Aimee made her own breakfast, which she did not mind at all, as a bowl of cereal would suffice. She grabbed a bowl, the Coco Pops box, and the milk, put it all together and happily devoured her breakfast. By the time she had cleared up, Clifford and Molly were finally ready to leave.

They arrived at Ulysses S. ten minutes early. Aimee kissed Clifford and Molly on their cheeks, as she did every morning, then hopped out and waited for them to leave. When she turned around, Stefan was her first sight.

"Hey, Aimee," he smirked.

"Stefan, hi!" she greeted - only partially startled.

Aimee noticed that Stefan was uncomfortable and very unlike himself. His focus shifted all over the place and his hands remained buried in his jacket pockets.

"You're nervous, aren't you?" she realised.

"It's like first grade all over again," he nodded, "except I'm much better looking, now."

"Ah, there's the witty, charismatic Stefan I've come to know," Aimee commented with a grin.

"It suits me so well," he gloated humorously.

He held out his arm for Aimee to hold as they walked further onto the school grounds. She could not help but notice the stares from every student present, as they made their way down the hall. Some merely wanted to greet, others wanted to congratulate the league win, and the rest were wondering whether her being linked to Stefan at the arm, meant anything enviable.

Aimee stood at her locker and sighted Emma as she ran straight towards them. She gave Aimee a hug and greeted Stefan, and then asked to "borrow her BFF for a second", to which Stefan released Aimee's arm and went off in search of his own locker. Emma watched as he walked away and plastered a smile on her face as she turned back to Aimee.

"He so likes you," she tested.

"What? No," Aimee blushed.

"Do you like him?" she asked. "Like, like-like?"

"We just met," answered Aimee.

"I know," grinned Emma, "but you guys have been hanging out so much it's like you're a couple already. I've seen how you look at each other."

"How is that?" wondered Aimee.

"You know," replied Emma. "He smiles, you smile, and you constantly talk. It's pretty obvious you are like, made for one another!"

Aimee laughed, thinking Emma was making a big deal out of what could be nothing. She shoved her bag and books into her locker and tailed Stefan, Emma staring at a distance and mouthing the word "love" as she walked away. Aimee helped Stefan to his locker and classes before the bell rang. He was taking Physics that session while Emma and Aimee started the day with Biology, and they were fortunate enough to be lab partners.

"Alright class, today we will be learning all about the digestive system of a tape worm," said Mr Poole, their Biology teacher.

Emma and Aimee shared thoughts; they already knew how to vomit. And so the lesson began. Aimee kept losing focus - which was usual for anyone forced to endure Mr Poole's boring lessons - all she could think about was Stefan and what Emma had said at her locker.

Meanwhile, in the Physics class, Stefan was more confused than a dog meeting its own reflection in a mirror. The Periodic Table of Elements was one of the few things he had never seen in his whole life, having been home-schooled, and now having an emo girl for a lab partner did not aid him in any way. Lena babbled on about how much her life sucked and how much she hated Physics, rather than focussing on what was important: their project.

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