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This poem revolves around how people when they go into depression will somehow feel like suicide is the only answer.
In this poem I talk about how it isn't .
So if you are triggered by this please don't read this one..

Hey ,
Everyone's been there !..
That place of utter depression and darkness
No more songs to sing
No more birds in the sky
Is that your world ?

You  begin to call yourself ugly,
No good worthless piece of grass?
Have you ??

Well I am here to tell you other wise

In the materialistic world
Its not always about what you are
The people out there
Are mean and cruel
All they want is to see you failing and sad.
People out there don't care for simple things,
All they want is perfect .
Perfect cars , perfect-looking girls and more over a perfect life .

But isn't perfect,
A little bit over rated ?

There is never a perfect being
Perfect doesn't exist
Butterflies and caterpillars are two sides of the same coin

If there was no head nobody even looks for a tail

Every individual is beautiful in their own way .
And I don't mean perfect
Because there is no perfect
There is no such thing
It doesn't exist

Pulling the trigger
And hearing a gun shot
Shot through your head
By yourself ?
Is that what you think of ?
All those times that you cut yourself
Thinking you are no good !..

Well just listen (or read on )
A butterfly can't form without a caterpillar
Just as that
Beauty is not always there
It's just you who has to find it .

There will be a person out there
And that person will call and think of you as the most beautiful being ever created .
That person will think you are a being sculpted by god
And when that person calls you beautiful ..
You will believe it.
For the first time in your life you will believe it for yourself.

Hey all my amazing readers ,
Sorry for not updating for like forever. Hope you all like gunshots ...

Love you all

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