Dear Hidden Butterflies

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Dear hidden butterflies ,
Life isn't always fair
It isn't always just
It isn't always a tale worth a countless praise.

Butterfly ?
Isn't it a beauty ?
Isn't it an insect ?
Its the most beautiful thing ,
In the insect species.

Fly out there
You've got your wings
Now you can't just sit
Take those dreams and make them come true
I know,buttercup
Its not easy
But I also know
God never gives you anything
Knowing you can't handle it ...

You are a butterfly
You are beautiful
You are amazing and gorgeous
And If you tell yourself otherwise .
You are only lying to yourself
Everyone is beautiful.
Sometimes it just takes some time to come to the surface .
Just as a butterfly that has to wait for its time to hatch .

And away you go
High you will fly
You don't need to try
You are beautiful
And you know it
So why sit around ?
Go and fly
Fly as high as the mountains...
The sky is your limit.

A butterfly ,butterflies and it butterflied away .

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