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This one is a triggering one and if anyone of you all are depressed or suicidal then I don't recommend this one for you ...


She looked at herself with the help of her mirror
The mirror could see a beautiful yet broken girl
Her eyes were vibrant
But pooled with tears
Her hair raven black
But dry and put up in a bun
Ripping them off of their perfection
The beauty couldn't even see that.

The girl saw an ugly and a worthless girl
In the mirror she saw a girl
A girl she thought who is so ugly that she had to die
She picked up her hand
And palmed the mirror
The mirror cracked
Her tears fill the ground beneath her
She picked a piece
The smallest one
Just so she could torture herself before she could die.

She closed her eyes
She felt her blood surface
She looked at it
She yet again closed her eyes
And she never opened them again

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