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Aleks needed to get the hell out of there. He didn't know what it was, or even why it mattered so much to him, but the innocent touch of the boys' knees was enough to drive him insane. So, he pushed himself up. Resisting temptation means removing yourself from temptation. And, God, was James a temptation. The older boy was good looking. And a bit charming. Aleks wasn't afraid to admit that. But the outcome of that left him a bit confused.

To say the least, Aleks wasn't exactly an sentimental guy. He's never really experienced a crush. And maybe it was just how he was raised, but the idea of loving someone never seemed realistic to him, especially being an orphan. Aleks figured if his parents didn't love their own son enough to raise him, then how could anyone love a complete stranger? He wasn't stupid, though. He knew what love was, and how it's supposed to make you feel, but still the thought of it confused him. However, James was someone he felt could answer some questions, fill in the blanks, and was maybe someone that could love. He wanted to experience what so many others have claimed to.

Although, he thought, it may just be a thirst for knowledge. Of course, Aleks didn't love James. Or even like him. They've barely known each other for two weeks, and from conversations they've had, they're nearly complete opposites. Aleks is introverted; he likes to relax and keep a level-head. James is so open; he likes to have fun and make the most of any situation. It's surprising that they can even bunk together without murdering one another.

But Aleks will admit, they have fun. His roommate is hilarious, even if he can be a bit overenthusiastic. They're personalities mend together in perfect chemistry. But that chemistry was what intrigued Aleks, which is why he left in such a hurry. And it's also why he was currently pushing himself through the halls so quickly to escape.

He was finally faced with the door of the Head Matron's office. Calmly, he knocked twice before proceeding to enter the small room and facing the woman at the desk.

"Yeah, you called for me today?" Aleks began with  shy words.

"You're Aleksandr?" The woman glanced up at him, while pulling her reading glasses from her face.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Take a seat."

So he did, sitting sweetly on the chair opposite from her cluttered desk.

"Okay, let's take a look, shall we?" She asked, glaring at her computer screen as she pulled up his file.

It felt like she was reading through the print for hours, only speaking to confirm with him certain things. And as the clock's hands ticked on and on, the boy was getting less enthusiastic about the meeting. Something that was meant to state his future at this orphanage felt more like waiting on the chopping block.

When it comes down to it, this was the woman who would determine the young boy's future. If she were to not like him, she would sweep him under the rug. But if she were to like him, he might have a better chance at being advertised to families. And then his mind fell to James again. James had said that he's been here since birth. And part of Aleks wondered what the boy had done to get stuck here so long. Although, he guessed he was in the same boat himself. Reaching the age of a young adult, but still without parents. He figured that James and him couldn't have been much different in that sense.

"Aleks, let me just say. You show great potential. You're involved with our church, you have a clean record, and you're grades are fantastic. I see no reason why a family wouldn't want to adopt you." She complimented as she paged through his file. Each flip of a page felt like another beat of Aleks' heart, keeping him sitting up straight and alive in front of her.

"Thank you," was all the young boy could muster up in his own panicked happiness. His breath quickened and his mind raced at the mere idea of adoption. Something he's dreamed about since 5-years-old, something he once thought would never happen became strangely tangible in her words.

"Now, I'll be honest. Teens are far more difficult to get adopted than kids." Elaine warned carefully as not to kill the young boy's spirit. "But, I think if we work at it, we'll find something, okay?"

"Yea- Yea, that's perfect." He reassured her with a gleaming smile. "I just- thank you."

"Okay! Well, I hope to see you around more often, Mr. Marchant. I'll keep you in my prayers." She reciprocated the smile warmly back to him and gestured towards the door of her office. "I'll be sure to keep you posted on any news."

He nodded frantically before quickly scurrying off and out of the room. He knew it was far too early to make assumptions, but the idea of it all was enough to make the boy cry like a child. He felt like he needed to scream and cry and laugh in an attempt to rid all of his emotions out in one go. But he didn't. He wanted to feel the excitement- remember it for later times. So, he relished in it and all of his past thoughts and worries of James flew far out of mind, until only one remained: he was going to have a family.

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