Chapter [1]: Changes

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{Pluviophile: (n.) a lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days.}


- Chapter [1]

There's a few things I have always believed in, it's basically the things that is still keeping me going, keeping me alive. I have always believed that everything has its own benefit and detriment, I believe that if I'm having a bad day, tomorrow will be better, I believe that every broken thing, can be fixed, I believe that every evil thing has its own soft and kind side and I most of all believe that not everything is loved by everything.

For example, rain. Rain is not loved by everyone, some people think that rain is nothing but trouble. Car accidents are caused by rain, some gardens are ruined because of the rain, people's clothes are soaked wet that sometimes it gets destroyed by rain and I can give you a whole long list of why rain is trouble. Some people are afraid of water, that includes the cold rain drops so that would annoy them and some other people just simply hate rain.

But everything has benefits right? Not everyone hates rain and that includes me. I love rain, rain drops, the smell of the rain and everything about it. I find joy and peace of mind during rainy days, days like this. I have my own believes and I believe that rain can wash away all the pain and bring happiness. That is why most of cliche movies end with rain, the character would kiss the love of his life and then they would live happily ever after.

I'm not saying happy ever after exist but rain can make the moment happy. I could watch rain for hours non-stop and won't get bored. No words need to be spoken, no need for someone to be with you when it's raining because rain is with you. They say when you feel sad the sky cry for you, I don't care how mental I sound right now but that is what rain can do to my brain.

Some days, when I feel sad, mad, broken, confused or frustrated and at the same time rain happens to pour down. I simply make my coffee and walk by myself to the park, sitting on a bench and watch people in silent, whether they runaway from it or enjoy it like I always do. Rain can make me forget about everything happened to me, it can change my mood instantly by just the smell of it. Whatever happened to me today, rain can make me think of it tomorrow, it can simply make me forget about everything around me. No one will ever understand my love and passion for the rain, its something happens to be so special to me for no reason.

Talking about rain while it's raining is kind of weird but who cares? I'm talking to myself about the thing I love the most because It's the only thing that can calm me and I find it really peaceful to just sit down and listen to the rain drops hit the ground, cars and buildings.

Rain is what I needed today and now I'm enjoying it, appreciating it. It's my last day here, I'm moving out, I'm starting a new life in a new city with new people. Alone. Rain is by my side today, probably supporting me about the idea of starting fresh, I don't need anyone to be with me to do this, all I need is myself. Days ago I was broken, sad, angry and all the negative feelings and emotions and when it rained, I kept thinking, why feel sad about something happened and finished and not just start again? Start over? Fresh and clean?

That's exactly what I did. I decided that I will change my life, to the better and not cry about something happened and finished, I should get over it, I should man up and change everything. I looked up from my Starbucks mug and out at the beautiful view in front of me. Coffee and a beautiful view mixed with rain is what I live for, I live for moments like this. The view is absolutely breathtaking, I'm sitting on an edge of a cliff without an umbrella and watching the rain hit the sea and the mountains.

Thinking about what happened days ago, I don't regret anything happened because I think everything happens for a reason. If it was yesterday that I was thinking about everything, I would break down crying by now but no, I'm not going to do that now, I'm as calm and peaceful as the rain. I have so much memories in this town, bad and good ones. And I don't regret living any of these memories because it all happened for a reason, probably it happened because it saving me from a bad future.

Pluviophile (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now