Chapter [3]: Thoughts

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{...These are the thoughts that go through my head In my backyard on a Sunday afternoon.}


I slept yesterday with a smile on my face for many reasons. First, the school day was amazing, the kids were amazing, the teacher were half amazing, the day was brilliant. I entered three classes yesterday and gave none of them a lesson, just an introduction. I feel like they liked me and I hope they did because I like every single one of them. They weren't normal students, let me tell you that, they asked me the abnormal questions but I answered them honestly. All the three classes asked me the same question, if I'm single or not, and of course I said I'm single, with a hint of happiness in my voice because I'm finally kind of free. 

Then when I came home and made myself a healthy snack, the doorbell rang and when I opened it I found a small kid holding a basket that must be heavy for him. He said that he's my neighbor and his mom made me cookies. I thanked the little kid and told him to come in. He was adorable. His name is Ashton and he's 6 years old, and for him, he's a big guy. Since then, I started calling him big guy. I gave him a candy and an apple juice and when he was about to leave, he told me that his mom said I'll be having dinner with them tomorrow, which is today. 

Then I went to the gym after he was gone and for my surprise I found Zayn there. He was just about to leave when I entered the gym and he was as surprised as me when I saw him. We greeted each other, then started a pointless conversation, then he said that one more hour in the gym wont hurt. Which was kind of him to do that because I don't know anyone in the gym except for Mr. Franta, who's behind the counter in the reception. 

"A great teacher is a great artist." Zayn once said when were talking about teaching and school in general. I nodded at him, because that was supposed to be true. But that fact or quote or wherever Zayn took that from, doesn't suit me because I'm not an artist. So I answered him with "I must be a brilliant teacher then." Which made him laugh immediately. Zayn is a smart lad, didn't took him a few seconds to realize what I meant. 

I walked with Zayn to his house and we said our goodbyes. Apparently he lives with his girlfriend, which reminded me of who and how I used to be. I remembered my life when I used to live with Mia, and I wondered if Zayn lives like how I used to live. Boring and pathetic life. But I don't think Zayn is like me, we have different personality but almost the same, he's more mature than I used to be and when he talked about his girlfriend, Perrie, I knew he loved her and he treated her well. Not like me and how I used to treat Mia.

After that, I walked to my house, which I found is only few houses away from Zayn's house. That made me happy, he's in my neighborhood, that meant he's my neighbor, that meant I finally made a new friend. 

Once I was inside my house, I made myself a healthy dinner then continued reading To Kill A Mocking Bird then I took a shower and slept. Now, I'm wide awake at 5AM in the morning, I made myself a breakfast and finished reading To Kill A Mocking Bird. When I finished all of that, I looked at my watch to see it was only 6AM, I have one more hour to go to school. 

School, that immediately reminded me of Alice Jones. Her face never left my mind yesterday, even when Ashton came and when I talked to Zayn, her name, face, appearance and her cold stare was there, lingering in my mind. I started to remember everything about her, from how her long dark brown hair fell down past her shoulder and covered her face, to how she stared deeply out of the window. Like she was waiting for someone, or admiring something.

Zayn told me that sometimes she looks out of the window, but other times she looks anywhere else, like she's not interested of what's going on out behind the glass window. That made me think, maybe there was something or someone there, and when it was there, she looks out of the window, and when it's not there, she's not interested so she looks somewhere else. And I need to find out what's that that caught her attention.

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