Chapter 5: Jon's Interactions

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Chapter 5


It has been four years, five months, twenty-seven days, eight hours and fourteen minutes since my arrival to the human world. And I was living the dream. The world of humans was a fast paced circus act which never stopped moving, it was pulsating with life and energy you could almost never sense in our world. We were the creatures of class and formalities, our tradition abiding rules had us living in a peaceful and symbiotic living with other beings of nature, whilst the humans destroyed their surroundings without a care in the world. And living with them almost made me forget my own mission. I almost forgot to find my mate.

For a time after I first arrived, I had been searching for her throughout the continents. I stopped in every city, looking for any kind of life form, but she always seemed out of reach. While in Australia, she felt far, so I travelled to Antarctica, only to find out, the only living things there were the polar bears, a very dangerous and blood thirsty species... for humans. I believe I had a pet polar bear when I was still a youngling. His name was Snowflake.

After Antarctica, I went to Africa, one of the hottest places in the world but at night, it almost made me feel cold for the first time. I live under the sea, where the sun never reaches and I was almost cold, how could humans live like this?!

The boiling sun, infected mosquitoes, desert and thirst made me want to leave Africa every traumatic second, but I knew I had to find her, she felt so close. And then, then came Europe. The 'old money' as they like to call it. I am truly baffled by some of human idioms and words, they do in fact fascinate me quite a bit. So, every country I visited had a rich history. This one had castles, that one had dragons, another one had ghosts and one in particular made me giggle - Transylvania, the land of vampires. Humans' imagination truly was something fascinating, indeed.

Russia, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Bosnia, Italy, France, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal,... anywhere I went, I felt like I was getting closer to her and then, I felt it. I felt the pull I craved, one clear evening in Northern France, as I was staring off into the sea, wondering if I should return home for I have lost all hope of finding her.


My brain clicked, knowing what I felt was the pull of a mate. The want and need swelled inside of me, knowing I had finally succeeded. She was here, on Earth. And all I had to do was buy a ticket and fly off to the island. Island, all humans referred to as Great Britain.






I truly do not know, what is so great about Great Britain. To me, it looks like any other country, maybe even less green. It has buildings, people, air, ground, entertainment and loud obnoxious intoxicated individuals. I truly do not see the difference and am baffled by humans' power to deduct such differences between such similarities amongst them. And as I stand in front of  an office building, I wonder whether I should just go in. Would she be flattered, flabbergasted, horrified, appalled, terrified, all of the above?

No, I cannot do this to her. I shall wait in front of her building like a perfect gentleman.


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