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"That movie was awesome." I looked at my watch and realised It was very late and should head home. "Umm. Channing I really need to go home." "Sure let me walk you there." "No its fine I think I'll cope." I quickly walked at a faster pace when suddenly, I felt someone tapping on my back. I got scared and clicked my fists remembering the self-defence lessons I learnt in the past. When all of a sudden I hear my name being shouted out. "Gardenia, Gardenia" I did not recognise the voice at all and decided to turn around. A stranger wearing a hoodie walked right up to me I couldn't recognise the face either. I walked closer to the stranger as she took her hoodie off. She started crying saying "Gardenia it really is you." I replied saying "who are you and how do you know my name." "Because I named you." "What do you mean you named me?" Wiping away her tears she said "Gosh this is going to be really hard to say... I am your biological mother. I gave birth to you Gardenia." I was very confused and shocked saying "STOP LYING. Get away from me I'm calling my REAL mother." "Please just let me explain myself." I ran as fast as I could Opening the door and locking every single lock there was.

I heard my mum's voice in the living room. I walked in and my mum and dad looked at me saying "Gardenia you're late." I did not care that I was late and hugged my mum crying on her shoulder. "What's wrong honey?" "Mum this lady came out to me and said she was my real mother. I was so scared." My parents looked at me sighing and my dad said to my mother "I told you it was time she found out." I was baffled. "She actually was my real mother. So my life was one big lie. I cannot believe this." "Gardenia sit down let's have a chat about it." "We are your foster parents. We found you at hospital where I worked. Your mother just left you after giving birth to you. When we saw you, we were amazed of your beauty and thought you were unique." "Yeah I bet you did before you saw my thumb." "Don't think like that Gardenia you know we loved you so much." "What about Blossom is her life one big lie too?" "No blossom is my biological daughter. How about we discuss this in the morning" "Why would I even want to stay with you when you're not my real parents you're practically strangers." I stormed off out of the house.

I saw the strange lady again sitting on a bench. I walked right up to her. "Oi you! You've got some explaining to do, don't you think so." The lady stood up and walked towards me saying "gardenia you came back for me, I knew you wouldn't let me down." "Don't get yourself to excited I'm only here for some answers. Why did you give me up and leave me at the hospital after I was born." She started crying. "All my children were born normally. But when you came, you come out differently unlike the others." "Others! I have siblings and you kept them and not me." "I didn't know what to do. Everything happened so quickly and I left the hospital to think about it and to have some fresh air. I told the nurse to stay with you for 5 minutes but when I came back you weren't there. I got so worried and I was told you had been taken in by social services." "Why didn't you look for me?" "I thought you would've been better off without me. I came back for you now didn't I?" "Yeah 16 years later." "Look here's my number if you want to speak to me call me." The lady walked off and I shouted "wait! Who is my real dad?" "I don't know I'm so sorry." I ambled through the streets of San Francisco trying to remember where Channing told me he lived. Instantly, I remembered. So I dashed there as it was really late.

I knocked onto his door and Channing opened saying "Gardenia what you doing out here so late. Come on in" I walked in and he asked "what's wrong" I replied saying "It's my mum I just found out she's not my mum and my real mum dis owned me from birth and my real dad is a mystery." "Wow come sit down so we can talk about it." He offered to let me stay here for the night.

I woke up rubbing my eyes stretching my arms and body and I see my fake mom's face in front of me. I thought this was just a dream so I pinched myself and realised It wasn't. I sat down and said" what are you doing here." My real mum walked into the room and looked at me. "It was you! You told them were I was staying." "Hear us out first. We would like it if both of our families get to know each other. So we planned a family trip. I booked a mini private yacht for us." My real mother stepped forward saying we know we both were not fair on you and should've treated you like the others." "You really are doing this for me." "Come on get ready then what you waiting for we booked it today." "Can Channing come?" "Of course anyone you want."

It was a long journey but we finally made it there. We all went on the yacht and it took off I sat with Channing enjoying myself. It took further off in the sea and suddenly there was a loud C-R-A-S-H. I felt the boat sinking beneath me. I heard someone shouting "get off the boat we crashed into a large rock." I told myself everything would be alright. The boat was halfway in the water and I thought to myself there must be a life boat somewhere on the yacht. I found one and put it out on sea I told everyone to come as I shouted out "I've found a lifeboat." Everyone ran towards me even the Captain and a waitress. I jumped on and there were 3 spaces left. If I make everyone fit in we all would drown and sink. I had to choose who to save. I was in a dilemma, i didn't know who to choose my mother who abandoned me and if I saved her I might get to know her more. However on the other hand I could chose my fake mother. The mother that looked after me, knowing the truth about me but not telling me.

I chose Channing and the captain and the waitress. "Jump on Channing, you and you." "I've realised that my life has been one big lie and I'm sorry the truth hurts. You are all ashamed of me. Come one I've seen your faces. As for you Blossom you've never liked me and you would rather be dead than be my sister. You're going to die now so you don't have to." I sailed off to shore whilst watching the boat sink and drown. I smiled and turned around. Channing promised me we will live together and the Captain and the waitress promised to tell everyone that he crashed into a rock and could save us only, as the rest drowned. He promised me as I had saved his life. I did not regret this decision one bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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