Chapter 1

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My alarm sounded at exactly 6:01 in the morning, but I was already up. In the midst of drying my hair from the hot shower I had just taken, I walked over to my dresser and snoozed my alarm.

It was my first day of my senior year, and this would be it. My last year, and I was free to go anywhere in the world. In the middle of last school year I had moved to New York City with my dad to get away from my mom, who I really didn't miss. I've made one friend since I've been here, Skye. And even though we've really only known each other for half a year, it feels like forever. 

"Kenz, Skye is here." My dad yells down to me. He had most likely just gotten home from his job at the hospital. Most days he had the night shift, meaning he was just getting home when I left for school, and he was always leaving when I got home. 

"Yea yea, tell her I'm not wearing pants." I screamed up to them. We lived in a nice sized apartment for New York prices. It has a huge basement, which I've turned into my room, since the place only came with one bedroom. 

"Can you believe it, were seniors. One more year of this hell and were free." She exclaimed, laying down on my bed.

Skye lives ten minutes away from me,  but shes like family because she's here all the time. I was walking though the cafeteria and I crashed into her as she was bringing her tray back to her table, causing me to spill pizza sauce all over her favorite top. 

"Girl, get your butt in some pants so we can go." Skye said walking upstairs, probably to to pour herself a glass of juice. I quickly pull my jeans up my legs and rush to meet her in the kitchen.


I sat in the car playing on my phone as she ordered a coffee from the McDonald's drive through we were at. We were a little over a half hour early for the first bell, and neither of us wanted to just sit in the car outside of the school, so we opted for the fast food place on the way. 

"Hey Kenz, do you have a dollar, I'll pay you back later." Skye asked me as we waited in line to get to the window she had to pay at.

"No you wont, but here you go," I said reluctantly handing her a one dollar bill. 

"Just so you know, I will pay you back... eventually." 

"Yea yea, that's what you always say," I retorted chucking.

As we pull into the parking lot I see all of the people in my grade hanging around the back entrance of the school. All those faces that have never cared to notice mine in the halls, all those faces I will never remember, nor think about, when I'm old. Skye wasn't any more popular than me, but she had other friends, and I sometimes talked to them, but they weren't really people that I liked to hang out with. 

"You ready?" She asks, taking the keys to her Jeep out of ignition. 

"Yup," I reply stepping out of her car.

I walk to locker number 59 and enter in my code. Written in my planner I have my schedule, and my first class is in room 307, but I have no idea where that is. Skye is also in that class so I just told her I'd meet her there, forgetting to ask where the room was located.

"Umm, excuse me. But where is room 307?" I ask a random boy with the locker not to far over from mine. I vaguely remember him as the kid who actually took notice to me and smiled at me in the halls. And damn, he's hot. I didn't really expect him to answer, or maybe I thought he would just laugh and walk away mumbling about how 'everyone knows where room 307 is', so when he actually said, "Oh, I'm going there right now, for Science with Mrs. Auth. She's supposed to be a great teacher." I started to feel butterflies in my stomach and my cheeks heat up.

"My name is Adam by the way." He chuckled, most likely noticing my now red cheeks. 

"Mackenzie, but you can call me Kenz." I say giving him a grin in return, trying to sound normal, but failing miserably.

We walked to class together, just making small talk, but as soon as we walked in the door Skye grabbed my arm and all his friends in the class hollered out to him. 

"Hello class, my name is Mrs. Auth, please sit down at a work area with a partner, and pick responsibly because you'll be doing a lot of partner work with them as the year progresses on. If you choose a lazy partner, I will not let you re-choose, for you must live with the consequences." Mrs. Auth told us, not yet standing up from her seat behind her desk. "You will have five minutes to pick a seat before I make the seating chart for the school year." 

For the rest of the week all the classes were pretty much the same, just reviewing information from last years studies and getting to know how the teachers like to do, and handle, their class. Skye, Adam, and I all had lunch together. Adam and Skye started really hitting it off, and for some reason, I was a little bit jealous, but I'd never admit that to anyone but myself. 


TWITTER- @smirkcam (I'm cool, promise. Btw, it's a Cameron Dallas account, but I'm still cool!)

Keep voting and comment what you think, xoxo. (And sorry it's short, all my newer chapters will be longer, the first few are just filler chapters. Sorry!)

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