No More Lies - Jessica

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Jessica's P.O.V (I mean who else's pov would it be):

It was now lunch time, and at lunch times we eat, but there wasn't much of that going on. Luna was excited for me getting the role as Seeker in the Gryffindor Quidditch team seeing as no other first year has ever made the Quidditch team, in as long as she could remember which was a lot seeing as she has lived, and died, and lived and well died a lot. Basically she's a Zombie. A magical Zombie with a very old Cat.

And well on the other side of the table it was a little less exciting, Bella was sitting and staring at the food on her plate, I have noticed her becoming quite cut off from people and that to be honest is actually worrying me. I remember the other day when she was telling me about how they have started a magic school somewhere in America, and she was sadly very fascinated about it all, and that scared me, since I'm hoping that it doesn't mean anything but I'm honestly not sure anymore.

I haven't been sure about much lately and that honestly worries me, I don't really know why but it does. I mean the only people I really talk to now are Luna and Hermione, since well I hate Ronald there's no denying that, Harry just stays with Ronald, or Ronald is just a weirdo with no friends, and Neville is with Seamus and Dean and all that so I have no one to talk to and, well I'm starting to become one of the girls, and that is terrifying.

Anyway on a less depressing note, It's close to Halloween which means Candy and sugar and well candy. Back at home we didn't really celebrate it seeing as there wasn't really anyone around to trick or treat but we would still eat the bags of sugary treats that uncle Remus bought earlier that day at the shop. I would always be in my wolf onesie, while wearing a big fluffy top hat kind of thing, Yeah random I know.
"Did you use to celebrate Halloween back at your home?" Wait is someone talking to me, what did they say. I turn around to See that it was Hermione and Luna. Oh yeah we are at Lunch, wow I forgot.

"Wait who are you asking?" I ask her as she slightly shakes her head while laughing silently before asking the question again, and this time I realise she was talking to me not Luna, or Harry, or Bella.
"Oh, well I would say half half, I mean I still had the sugary treats but we didn't really have any time to go trick or treating or to dress up, so most of the time I would sit in the middle of my bedroom with the door wide open, and just start eating candy, I would usually get a sugar rush and go crazy but I never really remembered much details in the morning" I tell her as she raises her eyebrows before rolling her eyes.
"Well my parents are dentists, so they didn't really like me having much candy" she tells me as I nod by head in understanding, muggle can be like that sometimes.

So to sum up this lunch you could use the words Awkward, inwanting, weird and well just down right weird seeing as Luna wouldn't stop talking about who knees what, I lost count of how many times she said 'like' 'OMG' and 'ha'. I swear it was like she was on a sugar rush, but without having any sugar. I then look up at the sound of one of the school owls flying over and see a large package which strangely is in the shape of a broom, wow I swear some people are so stupid, like how could you not manage to see a large package fly down at the end of Lunch.

I glance around and still no one but my friends have noticed, wait is everyone blind I swear I wasn't going to pull that prank till next week, did someone figure it out before me. Wow that's a way to destroy my mood.
"Woah is that a broom" Hermione says as I nod and stand up before rushing out the ding in hall to open it. As I get out I glance back to see Luna moving back to the RavenClaw table, wait didn't she want to come with us. Huh I'll ask her about it later, I then look away from the now closed door to see Hermione, ok so she came yay. Yen to see Harry, wait if Harry is here then oh no, I look to the side to see Ron next to Harry, I swear I'm going to kill him later.

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