are we bonded or something? - Bella

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Bella woke up in the Hospital wing at Hogwarts, she could hear the whispers of the mouse below her. She woke up alert to be calmed down by Jessica, she really was at Hogwarts, It wasn't an illusion. Bella started to cry until the nurse let her go, Bella walked with Jessica trying to hide from all views of the students, she had no idea where they were going but she was guessing the library. They walked in, Luna had a few books out and a few candles.

"Luna, this isn't the 1400's witchcraft," States Jessica, Luna muttered '16th century'. "beside we need to tell Bella our secrets" Bella was slightly confused, she thought Ms Charles was Luna but who to say she was imaging that to? "Oh Fine, Bella i am a SoulSeeker, i can bring back people from the dead, i come back from the dead after 2 years i die and yes i did see Hogwarts formed, a student." Bella was shocked, she was in awe and fright, but the awe was wining. "I'm an elemental, fire, water, earth and wind. I'm just pretty good with mother nature at the moment" Bella started laughing, if Jessica was trying to make a joke.

"When you were gone, we too started to get sick. Jessica fainting everywhere unable to control the elements and, I was seeing my previous lives 467 of them. Not sure if that is right either. We went hunting, getting a letter like you about 'a dark trio' we found a book. 3 Girls, 3 Houses, 3 Wands-" she was hunt in by Jessica, "Sound familiar? They never said what school and you were sorted into a different housing system! 3 Girls. 3 Houses and 3 Wands" Bella laughed. She heard Luna mutter, 'the book means Bella is in Slytherin'

"There is many girls like that Jess" Luna looked at her as if Bella was crazy, "well none of them had the wands made 500 years ago? none of them received a letter? none of them went crazy while without the other two" She had a point.

"Then why do we have candles out?" Bella asked.

"Yeah, Luna?" Jessica questioned.

"The spell to make the Dark Trio is in need for the 16th magic, meaning we are creating it now, while we can."

Bella nodded as Luna started saying a few words, Latin? Russian? European? wait there is no European language just mini ones. Bella listen to hear what she was saying, Latin.

"praeteritum et futurum, (Past and Future)

per ignem et aquam, (Though Fire and Water)

praeteritum et futurum, (Past and Future)

et non mundo (Through Fire and Water,)

praeteritum et futurum, (Past and Future)

et lucem tenebris oculi (light and dark eyes)

praeteritum et futurum, (Past and Future)

rubro, viridi et hyacintho, (Red, Green and Blue)

tribus puellis (Three Girls)

usque potest esse tres, (Nevertheless, it can be three)

Not thing happened, not one thing. Bella looked at Jessica who was more confused with the language used then then the spell obviously not working. "Luna is something meant to happen?" Bella asked, Luna ignored her looking at Jessica. "Something to say?" Jessica took the book to read and laughed.

"Luna, that was 14th century magic, you need to do this generation of magic. Modernise it" Luna muttered again, '16th century' Bella looked at Luna who said in much doubt saying she didn't know how to modernise it. Jessica took the lead.

The Dark Trio (The Philosophers Stone) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now