Author Notes

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*Edited 4th February 2017*

Normal = Bella Gaunt

Italic = Jessica Snape

Bold = Luna Lovegood




We are proud to present the The-Dark-Trio  map . . . . . . . . .

yeah no that isn't what we are here to present.

This is our first book the three of us are sharing its based around the harry potter books (to start with)

I, Bella Gaunt is excited to tell the adventures of my life

Thats all from Bella Gaunt (bluela- )

I Luna Lovegood says hi, and have a good life. If something bad happens blame the Nargals, be nice it's not our first book, but first to write together.
Luna Lovegood 🎨

Need to talk to someone, Talk to me Luna Lovegood ( Catnip_the_cat my official account)

Sup I'm Jessica Snape-Black yeah yeah my dad is the mean-git Severus Snape, as you can probably tell I don't like him at all.
Anyway We are here to write our first book together, as Luna and Bella so kindly said. I hope you all enjoy it or you will get tortured or even better killed.

If you need advice on the best potions or anything for the matter (since I'm better than Hermione at everything) go to (kiki_the_Runner)


- Luna, Bella and Jessica

The Dark Trio (The Philosophers Stone) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now