Becoming one

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"Blake you got a letter" Ryan said, handing it to me. I opened it and ran up to my room. There was a knock at the door then Brandon stepped inside.

"Is everything ok?" He said and sat next to me. He put his hand on my shoulder and I looked at him. He gave me a reassuring smile.

"You know" I said. "It's one this when you threaten me but if you threaten someone I care about it's a different story. Everyone knows that" I let out a frustrated sigh.

"I'm sure it's nothing" He said blowing it off.

"Now your just trying to make me feel better" I smiled at him. He laughed. His happiness is contagious.

* * *

I was sitting next to Jacob and leaned against Brandon. We were across from Ryan. The lights went out and everything was quiet.

"Here we go" I said. We got up at the same time, with Brandon following, and went to a room we have full of weapons. I told Brandon to wait by the door while we got our weapons. We grabbed out swords and started looking through the house. Jacob checked one half of the house with me, Ryan, and Brandon checked the other half. We came to the stair well which was the last place. Me and Brandon took the dungeon while Ryan took the attic. There was no one in the dungeon so I turned to Brandon. As I did I felt nothing but pain.

"What's wrong?" Brandon asked. Without answering him, I ran as fast as I could up to the attic. I opened the door to the attic and saw Ryan on all fours, trying to catch her breath. There was someone in a black trench coat standing over her. He raised a sword. She looked up and I saw that she was terrified. The person grabbed her by the shoulder and impaled her with the sword. She looked shocked. I gasped and fell backwards into Brandon. I felt the tears start to form in my eyes but I held them back the best I could. Jacob ran past me and punched the guy. He went flying out the window. Jacob looked at me, a tear rolled down his cheek and he jumped out the window. I already know he's gonna kill the guy. I ran over to Ryan and held her in my arms. Then I let all the tears go. Ryan put her hand on my cheek and wiped away the tears.

"It's ok" She said with a weak smile. I pulled out the sword and we both winced.

"Please Blake" Ryan said.

"I can't do it" I sobbed.

"Take back the power that's rightfully yours" I nodded and bit her. I felt her power surging through me. She smiled. We became one as she closed her eyes and became pale.


A red aura glowed around Blake and the sky went black. Lighting striked all around us and it all went away very quickly. I walked over to Blake and kneeled next to her. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close to me. After a while she stopped and looked at me.

"Um before you asked me why I was mad at you and I told you I wasn't. You asked me so what's wrong and I told you that I'd tell you eventually" She said. I blushed. She remembered that!!!!

"I thought you forgot about that" I mumbled. She giggled.

"Well right now I'm going to tell you what's been bothering me"

"What is it?" I asked.

"You confuse me. I've never felt like this with anyone else before and it pisses me off when I don't understand something" She said.

"So..." I wasn't following.

"So I've come up with a solution" She said excitedly.

"What is it?" I can't even imagine what's going through her head.

"I like you" My jaw dropped. Blake Sinister likes me?

"Like as a friend or... romantically?"

"Both" I don't really no what to say, it's really hard to sink in.

"What?" She asked.

"It's really hard to comprehend"

"What is?"

"That you like me"


"I guess because one would say your out of my league" She laughed.

"Why would you say that?" I paused for a moment.

"Because your smart, funny, fun to hang out with, and really pretty. Let alone the fact that you could probably get any guy you want especially since your the counts daughter-" I stopped my rant and pursed my lips. She was sitting there staring at me.

"So your saying you like me?" She said. I bit my lip.

"No I think I'm in love with you" She was about to say something but I cut her off.

"Wait, wait, wait I didn't mean to say it out loud like that... I mean it would be different if you were my girlfriend or something but-"

"So your asking me to be your girlfriend. My answer is yes" She nodded with a smile when she said 'yes'.

"Well I wasn't asking you if you would be my girlfriend" I mumbled.

"Well you-" I cut her off with a loud sigh. I looked her in the eyes and let out another sigh in defeat.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I actually asked her. She nodded and gave me a hug. I can't believe Blake Sinister is my girlfriend and I don't think I'll ever get that in my head.

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