20|Silence Amongst Flowers

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You fed me love in a silver spoon. I drank happiness from a plastic cup that only held sentimental value. When you stopped loving me, you sold the spoon, and you broke the cup. To you they both meant nothing, but to me they meant everything, and now I have no love, and no happiness.

You thought because the cup was plastic it was worthless, but it was the only thing that made the silver spoon seem worth something. Without happiness love is nonexistent.


Troye was texting Tyler in his room when he heard the doorbell. His parents weren't home from work, and he hadn't been expecting anybody today, so he was very confused.

He went down the stairs hesitantly, and looked through the peep hole in the door. He gasped when he saw who was on the other side.

He opened the door immediately out of pure shock at who it was. It was Connor. He was fresh out of college, and he looked the exact same. When Connor made eye contact with Troye they stared at each other. It seemed to last years.

"Hi, Flower Boy." Connor said with a smile.

Troye's heart was running faster than he could. He hasn't seen Connor since Christmas, and here he was standing in front of him. Their relationship was inactive. It wasn't considered dead only because it had never officially ended. But one day they stopped contacting each other altogether. That was seven months ago.

"Hi, Connor." Troye says. "Come in."

Connor enters, and Troye shuts the door behind him. Connor makes his way to the couch where he sits down, and looks up at Troye. Silence. Troye sits down next to him. More silence. It's not awkward, there is just nothing to say.

"I'm sorry I never called." Troye says.

Connor looks up from the ground. "Don't be. I didn't call either."


Troye bites his lip. "So, I've been wondering...I mean, what...exactly are we?" He asks. He's always been known for being straight to the point. He's been wanting to ask this question for months. Were they in love anymore?

"That's what I came here to find out." Connor says.

Troye stares at him. He looks down at Connor's lips, and Connor looks at his. This would help determine exactly what they are. They're both leaning in slowly, and then their lips meet. They are kissing. It used to be a magical feeling, but now it feels empty.

They both feel nothing. Troye starts to kiss him deeper hoping that he'll feel something, but there's nothing. No butterflies, no electricity, no passion. It's just kissing. He pushes Connor down on his back so he's on top of him. He starts to make out with him while tears stream down his face because he wants so badly to feel love, but there isn't any.

He's angrily kissing him now. He's all over Connor's body searching for love, but it's only lust he feels. Connor feels the same, and he finds it hard to enjoy this moment when the soft kisses he's leaving on his neck are laced with tears. Troye is kissing his neck hungrily, but he's crying softly.

"Stop." Connor says. But Troye keeps kissing him. I want to feel passion.

Connor pushes him away, and forces Troye to look at him. This kiss doesn't feel right. He looks at Troye's tears, and pauses. He wipes them away with his hands slowly. "It's okay, Troye. Everything is okay." He says reassuringly. "We're just not the same, okay? Everything is okay."

"I don't understand." Troye says in a semi-angry tone. "Why don't I feel anything?!" He starts to sob in Connor's arms uncontrollably.

Connor shushes him, and kisses the top of his forehead. "You just don't love me anymore, Troye. It's okay."

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