24|The Corruption Of Human Importance

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"What are you doing here?"

"I missed you."

"No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did."

"Then why didn't you call me?"

"Darla was-"

"Of course it had something to do with fucking Darla. You know what? Bye, Pj." Chris attempts to shut the door on his face.

Pj stops it with his hand frantically. "No, Chris wait!" He shouts.

Chris rolls his eyes. He can't leave Pj no matter how hard he tries. "What?"

"I know you don't like her, okay? I know that she treats you terrible, and I know that she's torn us apart. I'm going to fix that. I just don't want to lose you, Chris. I'm sorry."

Chris rolls his eyes. "Don't you realize that I don't give a damn about how she treats me?"

Pj was confused. "Really?"

"Yes!" Chris shouted. "I don't fucking care what that nagging hoe thinks of me at all."

Pj was even more confused. "Then why do you hate her?"

"Are you really that ignorant Pj?" Chris asks.

Pj looks at him with confused eyes. Chris laughs, but in the crazy frustrated way.

"I hate her because of how she treats you! She treats you like you are some stupid boy that's wrapped around her finger. You are so much more than that. You are beautifully intelligent, and she doesn't even appreciate it! She calls you fat despite your perfect body, and makes fun of your apparence when you are so amazingly gorgeous. You're the most innovative, and creative person I've ever met! Your ambition is inspiring, and I love you for that! She has never understood you, or your passions. Your hobbies. She tells you that you talk to much when you tell your amazing stories that you work hard on, and that I adore! You are priceless, and you should be treated like you're everything, because to me you are. You're perfect in every way, and she acts like she is the perfect one when she obviously wouldn't know perfection if it was staring her in the face. Holding her in his arms. It's never been about how she treats me at all. It's always been about how she treats you! I care for you so much. It's always been about you, Pj! Always!" Chris exploded.

Pj has tears in his eyes. I love you so much. "I don't understand. What do you mean? What are you saying?" He says frantically. No one has ever loved me like you do.

Chris shook his head. "I'm done trying to explain how much I love you to you! She has blinded you with lies. Bye, Pj. Come back when Darla isn't around to dumb you down." Chris explains. He slams the door.

Pj was sobbing now. He didn't understand what Chris was saying. Did Chris love him? Had he completely ignored Chris's true feelings?Why was he so mad? When did he become so messed up? Will he ever be happy with himself again?

Pj doesn't know, but on the other side of the door Chris sits, softly crying alone on the floor.

Pj ran. He ran until he was home. Tears pricked his eyes, and people stared at the broken boy running through the crowd. He didn't run to his house, but he ran home. His third home anyway. Phil's place.

AN: this story has so many loose ends its all over the place why do I love to write it so much ahhh

I don't know how to angst, sorry

This chapter is so cliché ha I hate myself rn

Wait all of this is fanfic is clichè af

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