Okay so, I haven't written literally ANYTHING this summer. You know why? 'Cause i'm going to high school now and you know what that means... yup, summer stuff! Wooo i'm sooo happy i'm going to high school! yaaaay! i've made it this far in life without killing myself! looks like that streak is going to end soon :D
but honestly, whats there to look forward to in high school? more homework? AH HAHAHAHA im just so hilarious.
i honestly wonder how ANYONE could be happy. oh wait, i know! that girl at school who's so oblivious and has no hobbies. like a complete nerd. like when i say nerd, i don't mean those people who love to play video games all day. those peeps are my homies. i mean those people who do literally nothing but work. this girl who i happen to go to school with...does nothing but WORK! (if you guys are confused, this isn't a story, this is the admin typing her pitiful life on a computer screen like if it were a diary. yes, im serious people, this is real XD) anyway, i once asked this girl what she liked to do on her free time, so here's how it went:
Me: so, what do you like to do on your free time?
girl: idk...schoolwork?
me: what? but like, what if you have no schoolwork to do? like, what hobbies do you have?
girl: i guess reading?
me: oh same! what do you like to read?
girl: oh idk...i mean, ive read the books our English teacher gave us to read for our project.
me: (is this girl fucking serious?)
me: so all you literally do is work?!
girl: i guess?! XD
me: but how??!!!!?!?!?! you have to do something else besides work and enjoy yourself! like play some games, or watch tv, or something!!
girl: well idk! and what do you do on your free time? play minecraft?
At this point i got triggered.
FIRST of all, i am NOT 12 years old, where i play minecraft all day with 7 year olds.
SECOND of all, even though i like minecraft, that does NOT mean i play it 24/7...like seriously...it's not that i don't like minecraft, im just not a hardcore player. i play minecraft once in a while when im bored, im not a huge nerd about it...
THIRD of all, how the fuck can you just assume i play minecraft?! like apparently this girl thought all people who like video games means they only play minecraft, or minecraft is just one of the games that they play. (minecraft was super popular at the time this event happened btw)
okay im done talking about this because i literally said the word "minecraft" 10 fucking times including this sentence.
anyway, i bet you this girl is wasting away her summer doing some project or some shit idk. oh wait, nah she's probably sleeping because its 10:25pm at the moment im typing this and people like her probably go to bed at 8 o' clock.
how the fuck can anybody in their teenage years go to bed that early though like XD

Lazy rants of life
HumorI'm lazy, okay. Well, sometimes I am busy... *laying on the couch in pajamas watching anime while also checking Instagram, procrastinating on a school project* Yeah, my life's pretty crazy, so I happen to rant a lot. I mean, what's better than writi...