Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Warning/s: Nothing you wouldn't expect from a romance story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin.

A/N: So a guest who left her name as opal pointed something out in the last chapter: "It would have been incredibly scandalous for an unmarried man to share a room with an unmarried woman during the time period of Camelot (especially a room as small as Merlin's) during that time men and women weren't even supposed to court without permission from their families and either a match maker or a chaperone present at all times, it would be a huge issue if Freya were sharing Merlin's room during this time."

I'm working under the assumption that actually, sex was a lot less scandalous than people think in the medieval period (seriously have you seen how many naked paintings there are jesus christ). Yes, there are stories of women being exiled from their towns because of being pregnant and unmarried, and indeed in Merlin we see Hunith in a similar predicament, but as someone who is very interested in the Arthurian period, I can say that from what I've read, it wasn't as big a deal as everyone assumes. It was only the 'higher' people, e.g. lords and ladies, who were expected to court with permission and show each other the most consideration for fear of ruining their reputation.

All of that said and done, I'm glad opal pointed that out, because I would bet that a few other readers were thinking the same thing. Thanks opal, and I hope my explanation made sense!

And apart from that, I'm finally back from my hiatus! Thanks for everyone's lovely support, I hope you all love this chapter and leave me a review so I know this chapter isn't terrible!

Merlin's bed was far too small for the two of them to lie next to each other, so Freya had gone to sleep on top of Merlin that night. She had apologised profusely for it but Merlin had to admit that he enjoyed the intimacy and the way he got to hold Freya close, in a way that he thought he would never be able to do in this lifetime. Freya had seemed worried that she was going to crush him but she was even lighter than Merlin himself.

When he awoke, Freya was still asleep contently, her face buried in his neck and her arms wound around his shoulders and neck. "Love you," Merlin whispered, even though he knew Freya couldn't hear him. He was proud of her for yesterday; he remembered how strenuous his first day of work was for Arthur, and how much he had complained to Gaius. She had just seemed mildly overwhelmed by the sheer number of chores that needed to be done before getting on with them.

Then again, Gwen had set her reasonable tasks that were relatively easy to do, even for an absolute beginner, whereas Arthur had been going through what he referred to as his "prattish" stage of life, and had set completely unreasonable jobs for him to do. Not that he had ever stopped doing that, Merlin was just more experienced now.

Judging by the light rays streaming in through his small box of a window, dawn had just broken. He was used to waking up at this time so he could complete any extra jobs that needed to be done – chores that he'd not managed to do the last night, or things that Gaius couldn't handle due to his old age and failing joints. And if there was nothing that needed to be done, he could practice come spells that might come in handy. Unlike Arthur thought, he never overslept.

He decided to let Freya sleep for a while longer, not wanting to disturb her when she looked so peaceful. However, he accidentally woke her not even an hour later, by running his hands through her hair. He snagged a knot and whilst gently trying to unpick it, Freya was roused and blinked at him in confusion. Then her sombre expression broke into a grin.

"What is it?" Merlin asked, wondering why she seemed so cheerful.

"I keep thinking all of this must have been a dream," she whispered. "And then I wake up and it's not."

Merlin smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. "We can be together forever now." He glance at the window again; they would have to get ready soon to take the royals their breakfast.

"I love hearing you say that," Freya grinned, and leaned in to kiss her partner properly.

The kisses started off slow, both of them not wanting to push the other two into anything outside of their comfort zone, but gradually their lips sped up and Merlin was running his tongue along the seam of Freya's lips and when Freya let him into her mouth she nipped at his bottom lip, and then she was sitting up a little just to pull her nightgown down so her breasts were exposed. And then Merlin was pleasuring her so much that she was gasping and moaning, and neither of them heard footsteps approaching until there was a loud crash as the door burst open.

Freya squealed and grabbed the covers to her chest, thankful that she hadn't removed her dress entirely. Merlin sat up to cover her as well, feeling a cool breeze on his chest – when had his shirt come off? – and began to shout indignantly at Arthur, who was looking entirely confused and a little embarrassed.

"Get out!" Merlin yelled. "Why don't you knock before you come in? Gods, Arthur!"

"I'm sorry," Arthur blurted. "I had no idea that you and Freya were – I, um – I didn't expect you to have company – um, I'll go now." He made as if to leave, but then quickly turned around and added, "I need you on the training field in an hour, Merlin. That's what I came to say. Sorry."

"Fine," Merlin huffed, sliding his hand into Freya's to comfort her. She was shaking a little, no doubt from the shock of Arthur bursting in, and glared at Arthur until his bedroom door swung shut behind him. "Bloody clot-pole," he grumbled, looking at Freya. "Sorry about that. He doesn't usually come looking for me."

"I hope he didn't see anything," Freya said nervously, still clutching the covers to her chest. "And he interrupted us!" she added indignantly, letting the covers drop after looking at the now closed door cautiously.

"Probably good that he did," Merlin chuckled. "You're too beautiful and I wouldn't be able to stop myself."

Freya raised her eyebrows and pushed Merlin down onto his back, crawling on top of him. He could feel her chest against his and then her warm lips and hot breath against his ear. "Maybe I don't want you to stop," she breathed.

Merlin shuddered as he imagined it, but shook himself firmly. "We can't," he insisted. "Not yet, at least."

Freya pouted but gave up her attempts. "We should probably get ready then," she suggested. "I need to go to the Queen."

"Good idea," Merlin said, shoving her off him gently and kissing her quickly when she grumbled at him. "I'm looking forward to seeing Arthur again after that."

Freya giggled as she got out of the bed and picked up her clothes. "I'm sure he's told Gwen about it as well," she said ponderously.

"We'll both have fun then," Merlin laughed as he pulled on a new, fresh shirt. "Gwen will probably be nice about it, though."

"Won't Arthur?"

Merlin shot Freya 'a look' and she giggled. "He will be insufferable," he grumbled. "One way or another."

A/N: Leave me a review maybe? So I know my writing is still okay-ish?

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