Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Warning/s: ?

Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin.

A/N: This is so short lmao

"How much more money do we need until we can afford a decent house?" Freya asked one morning, rolling around in her bed. They'd had it for three months now and she still hadn't gotten over how soft and fluffy it was.

"Not too much," Merlin replied, kissing the back of Freya's head. She had woken him up, as usual, by claiming that she needed to check that the mattress was still firm enough, but he didn't mind. He enjoyed every waking moment he spent with her.

"I'm going to ask now then," Freya said. "Do you want to get married?"

"Of course I do, we've already said all that," Merlin answered, confused.

"No, I meant as in, would you like to become betrothed?"

"Oh. Well, of course! But we don't have any rings, or anything."

Freya beamed and moved in closer to hug him. "We can sort that out later. I just want to be able to call you my betrothed."

Merlin rolled his eyes. "You are strange," he commented. "But I guess that just makes me love you more."

"Definitely," Freya agreed. "Shall we have the wedding soon?"

"I think so. May? That's only two months away, but it is a lovely month."

"Two months...yes, I like that," Freya pondered. She sat up and straddled Merlin. He raised an eyebrow at her behaviour. "I got the morning off for us."

"Did you now?" Merlin could sense where this was going.

"And before you say anything, yes I am sure about this."


"Definitely. And I looked up a couple of things in Gaius's books about pregnancy, and I've been brewing myself moon tea, so I can't get pregnant. There was a spell as well, in one of the books, but it looked like it needed some pretty powerful magic." Freya looked down shyly. "I want to have children with you, but...not yet."

Merlin stroked her hair back off her face, amazed at the amount of planning that had gone into this on Freya's side. "I don't want to hurt you," he said softly.

"You won't," Freya insisted. She cupped Merlin's face, a gentle smile crossing her face. "I want to do this with you. There's nobody better than you. I love you."

That convinced Merlin, and within five minutes they had the door locked and their clothes were on the floor.

A/N: Cheesy ending and crap writing wooo

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