The Diary

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Entry: 1

Date: Unrecorded

I don't know why it all started, but I know when I first heard them, it was like quiet whispers. I didn't understand them at first, it was like they were speaking a foreign language.

I wish, that it was still like that. Because before, they didn't speak to me like they do now. They didn't hate me like they do now.

They didn't exist.

They are here though. I can't get rid of them. They say they are here until the end.

Entry: 2

Date: Unrecorded

They aren't nice to me. Their voices keep hurting my head. They place pictures in my brain, pictures of me dead.

I want them to go away, but that seems to anger them. When they get angry, they scare me. They yell, but only I can hear them.

They scream too. When they do, my ears hurt, and my head hurts really bad.

And they hate it when I write, they don't like that. I can hear them screaming, and they won't stop.

Entry: 3

Date: Unrecorded

They won't stop. The voices are constant. The pictures are constant.

I got nightmares too. Nightmares of me killing myself in all different kinds of ways. I hate it! They won't stop!

They won't go away!

Each picture seems to be worse than the last one.

Each nightmare is more gruesome.

I saw myself take a knife to my neck, and I saw the blood seeping through. I saw the horrible smile on my face, and right before I woke up, my eyes connected with my dream self, and she pointed at me. Her lips moving, but I couldn't hear her. I woke up as soon as she lunged towards me, with the knife in her hand. That morning, I woke up with a knife in my hand, it had blood on it, and my neck was cut.

The voices tell me that they are with me to the end, and that the end will come, and the sooner they come, they will be gone.

I don't understand it.

I'm scared.

Entry: 4

Date: Unrecorded

They just told me all of them, their voices linking together as one, "Your as good as dead little girl."

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