Chapter 8- Caleb

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Chapter 8- Caleb
"I want to try out." I said approaching the coach.

"You want to what?" The coach asked least interested.

"I want to try out for the basketball team." I said a little louder.

"Fill the form, we'll see you play today after school." He informed and I nodded.

The form was your basic information and stuff so I quickly filled it handed it over to the coach. The rest of the lecture I sat out and tried to remember all my moves. I have one chance and I have to show Delilah I'm not a coward. I have to give my best because none of the people here want me in.

Later all classes were non-existent for me. I couldn't pay attention. It just wasn't possible. All I thought about was basketball. I was nervous to a different level. I was risking everything for proving this to Delilah. My dream of going unnoticed would be ruined by this whole basketball thing but I still wanted to do it.

My first priority in school has always been studying and then remaining unnoticed but today I'm ready to risk it all for one girl. Even though I have to stay away from here, I can't tolerate the fact that she thinks I'm a coward. Finally, the school ends and I run to the gym.

I change into sports clothes and surprisingly even Tobias is appearing for tryouts. At least I'll have someone with me. It's better than entering without any support. Then I go out and step on the court. This is it, time for action guys.

"Caleb Henswood." The coach announced.

"Oh look dumpster is going to play!" A guy yelled.

"I know you don't wanna talk to me but Caleb don't do this. You will make a fool out of yourself." Delilah said.

"Wait and watch." I warned.

I took the ball in my hand and adrenaline was coursing in my veins. I could feel the energy and positivity basketball gave me. So I set off. I dribbled through the hurdles successfully and then reached the defense players.

"Now he's gonna prove how big of a dumpster he is." Someone commented.

There were three defenders. Two very tall and was quite short. I threw the ball above the short defender's head and then crossed him and caught the ball again. Within a split second I passed the ball from the space between the legs of the first tall defender and then simple took an entire turn around the last defender. There was total silence.

"That's my brother! Go Caleb!" Adele yelled and started clapping.

This was followed by a series of claps from everyone. Even the ones who hated me for no particular reason looked impressed. Of course they did, I had just beaten three mains defenders of the team. After the shooting and layup tests, I was done. Even coach looked impressed. Thanks mom.

"You did well mate." A guy congratulated me.

"Sorry for calling you names earlier." Another one said.

"You played so well!" One of the blonde hair girls approached me.

"Where did you learn this?!?!!!" Adele yelled and gave me a big hug not caring that I was sweating a lot.

"Mom and I had classes." I told her.

"Oh my god everybody was so shocked? You should have seen their faces! It was as if they saw an alien!" Adele giggled.

That's when my eyes caught Delilah. She gave me a sad smile before exiting the stands. It's good that she is understanding that she has to stay away. It hurts but it's for the best. Best for both of us and our futures. We have to let things be how they are. That reminds me.... Tobias and Adele.

"Del, what happened between you and Austin? How are you and Tobias dating?" I asked.

"It's a long story."

"Care to explain?"

"Well if I have to put it in a sentence, Austin cheated on me and we broke up."

"So Tobias is your rebound?"

"Okay I'll tell you this but you have to keep your mouth shut. I haven't told anyone, not even my friends."

"Okay, go ahead."

"Tobias and I are fake dating to show show Austin what he's missing out on."

"Wait what? You know this is the stupidest plan even right?"

"Well it works in the movies." She shrugged.

"That's exactly why it won't work in the real world."

"Oh come on, it's not that bad. Plus Tobias isn't all that bad."

"You know how such fake dating things end up right? In the movie? The guy and the girl fall in love." With that one statement I left, leaving her to think about what she's doing.

Where did I go? I went home. I have just joined basketball but not abandoned my nerdy ways. I have to go home and get studying. After telling mom and dad about the basketball team tryouts of course. So well I drove home in Adele's car because she is going with Tobias again. I have my car but currently it's with my dad because his car has broken down.

"Mom! I appeared for the basketball try outs!" I yelled as I got home.

"You play basketball?" Dad asked surprised.

"Yea dad I do." I answered.

"You finally did it? I thought o would never see this day Caleb! I thought all that talent you have with the ball will be wasted and undiscovered forever." Mom grinned.

"Today, I just had to do it. It was now or never."

"Caleb the 'now or never situations' are very profitable but dangerous at the same time. I see that you took the risk but didn't fail, instead you profited." Dad said.

"Thanks dad. I'm gonna go study." That guys is how another wonderful day ended.

Wassup? Yea the update. I'm crazy ain't I? I say stuff late but update early. Wait... Does it even make sense?


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