Chapter 14- Caleb

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Chapter 14- Caleb
I didn't feel fine the entire day. Jacob and Austin arranged two chicks for me but they weren't all that good. Not even alcohol was good enough. The pain did reduce but never did it go away. The guilt didn't fade. Adele has called and texted multiple times, but I can't seem to be able to talk to her.

"Mate you want this?" Austin asked. Weed and Marijuana. That's what they were doing.

"Nah... I'll live." My drunk self answered.

"Trust me these things are great to forget shit and get high." Michael added.

"Bring it on."

I lost my mind. Just one puff hit me so strong that I wasn't able to control my world. Just that one hit was enough make me feel so fucking much better. It was as if I'm experiencing paradise. The sense on right and wrong left me the moment I took in the drug.

Puff after puff stuff started improving. My mind was dizzy but the feeling remained of pure pleasure. Suddenly, Jacob took away rest of the drugs from me. I looked at him with the 'what the fuck' expression and so did Michael and Austin.

"That's enough for a newbie. We cant let him die of over dose." Jacob reminded.

I don't really remember stuff after that. Everything blacked out. It was as if I was falling into deep sleep. All I remember is waking up in the very same alley way the next morning. All three Jacob, Michael and Austin were lying in the same place too. We all drank some water before leaving for home.

"Caleb are you fine?" Adele asked.

"Yea whatever." I said moving to my room and slamming the door shut.

"Caleb your look really bad! Please let me help you." She pleaded.

"Just go away Del. I can do it myself. Just go the fuck away."

"This isn't you Caleb. Fight the drug."

"This is the changed me. Deal with it."

Then the voices never came. She had finally gone away leaving me alone. Thank the gods. I mean it's not my fault if she only talks bullshit! I took a warm shower, brushed my teeth and got ready for school. Putting on random clothes I left for school.

I did not talk to Adele again. I didn't want her drama right now. I walked into the school like I owned it and girls looked at me with their mouths agar. I liked the feeling. I met up with the 'jocks' and in the way a few girls came up to me asking for my number and I gladly gave it to them.

So much has changed. Mom and Dad are coming home today. I do not know if they will like the change, but I sure do and I'm gonna do nothing to stop my new self. My better, new improved self. I walked into the class, late.

"How kind of you to join us Mr. Henswood." Psychology teacher said.

"The pleasure is all mine." I smirked before entering the class.

"You will not talk to me like this Mr. Henswood!" She roared.

"Oh cut it." I said before taking a seat.

"Detention! NOW!" she yelled and people snickered.

I just walked out of the class towards the detention room. So stupid of these guys to think that detention makes a difference. I mean come on, it's like a fun free lecture for us students. Then I thought of something. Why even bother going to detention?

So well I changed my track and walked towards the cafeteria. I can waste a lecture there. Not like anyone's gonna notice so why not. But what I saw, made me change my ways again. It was her. It was her pushed to the lockers.

"Please, Michael. I don't like you anymore." She cried.

My exterior instantly softened by looking at her. The tears in her eyes stirred the feelings that I buried when I changed my personality. And that bastered slapped her across the face! I was rooted to the ground. What could I do?

"You are fucking mine do you get it?! I like to toy with you and I will do it."

"Please Michael. Let me go." She cried.

"Oh no, not letting you go so soon love."

With that he pushed her harder into the lockers and she whimpered in pain. Then he smashed his lips onto hers'. My movements stopped. My breathing was caught in my throat. What should I fucking do?

My heart clenched in pain as I saw him force himself on her. But I have changed. I'm not supposed to care for Delilah. She doesn't like me and I have stopped liking her. Plus Michael is my friend. I have to support him at all costs.

If I go against him, it means going against all the jocks. It means ruining my chances of being on the main team for the first up coming match. Was I ready to risk all that just to save a girl. But then my heart made the final decision.

She isn't just any girl. She is her. The girl I promised to take care of of Michael hurt her. She is Delilah, the girl I tried to forget but I couldn't. I couldn't take her off my mind. So is she worth saving? Bloody hell yes at all costs!

So what did I do? I did what I do best. I risked everything once again to save my first love, once again in the hope that she will love me back.....

Change and change again? What do you think? What about the drugs Caleb is doing? His addiction.... Will it stop?  Well only time can tell.


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