Chapter 37- Tobias/ Adele

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There is a change of POV in this chapter just look out for it.

Chapter 37- Tobias/ Adele
Adele's POV
It was morning. The doctors were still identifying Blake's condition as critical. The operation was successfully completed but we were waiting for Blake to respond. It was 9:00am. Tobias's flight will leave in an hour.

Blake had to middle option. It was either him getting up or us losing him. The doctor said the injuries will only properly heal if he regains consciousness. Otherwise he dies. I know it is wrong but more than Blake my thoughts drifted to Tobias.

I have to do something and stop him. Only if Blake wakes up now, I can do something. I can tell Blake and go stop Tobias. Suddenly Blake's machines start beeping. Oh my gods! What's happening?!? I run outside to call the doctor.

"Nurse! Call the doctor please!" I yell.

The doctor rushes in with two nurses trailing behind him. We wait outside for a while all of us pacing around. Half an hour before he leaves. Please wake up Blake.... Please. The doctor came out and what they said made my smile grow.

"Blake is awake. You all can meet him." He said.

"Blake." I smiled rushing in.

"Hey, you are here?" He asked confused.

"Of course I'm here doufus. How did you manage do this to yourself?!"

"Sorry. I'm so sorry." He apologized.

"Oye shut up! Why are you sorry? It's not like you purposely got into an accident."

"Okay okay!" He laughed.

"Blake I hate to say this but I have to go....." I said and he frowned.

"You should do what you like but just promise me, you'll never break my heart will you? I love you Adele. You will always stay with me right?" He asked and I was stunned.

What do I tell him? How do I do it? How do I tell him that I'm going to break his heart for someone else? How do I tell him that I never even liked him. I couldn't do it. I didn't have the courage to do it. So I sat on the bed next to Blake as the clock struck 10.

His flight has left. I let him go when I was actually supposed to hold on. I lost him and this time, I don't think he's coming back.

Tobias's POV
My bags were packed. Just a few minutes before I leave. These are my last moments. Apparently, Blake is injured pretty bad. I wanted to go but I wouldn't be able to face everyone. But I told the guys to stay there. They wanted to see me off but I couldn't allow that, not when Blake has been a part of the accident.

"It's time to leave." My dad calls.

"Coming." I nod.

My dad and I are not on the best terms but I can tolerate him. I'm glad he's trying to make my life better. It is the best that I don't see his face for a while though. I sit in the taxi and I'm off to the airport.

No surprise that none of my family came to see me off. Mom would have wanted to come but dad wouldn't allow her. Lila doesn't know about it so well. I reach the airport and suddenly I'm not so confident anymore.

I get through the security check and my heart beats faster. Just 10 mins  my flight and I will be gone. My mind searches for a reason to stay back but I don't find any.... That's exactly why I'm going right? I don't have a reason to stay.

They announce for my flight and I get into the flight bus. Every second I spend in that bus is a pain to my heart because in that ever second I'm hoping for Adele to show up. I hoping that somehow she has come to know about me leaving and that she's gonna come stop me.

Once I board the flight I start losing hope. But why did I even have hope in the first place? I didn't even tell her! And I told everyone not to tell her! So then how can I expect her to come. Even if she did know, she doesn't like me that way. She has Blake. She won't come.

Then boom! All hopes gone because the flight takes off. Bye bye old world. Welcome New York. I shut my eyes replying all the memories I had spent here in this place I called home. All the good times and the bad play like a film in my mind. Tears run down my eyes and a small smile plays on my face.

That's it. No more old stuff. No more tears. I'm done. This is the beginning of a new me, an ambitious new me who's aspiring to be a model......

Short chapter I know! But the I didn't have a lot of time and I didn't want to let you guys be in the suspense..... So well Tobias is GONE!

Fangirl _Leo©

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