Chapter 7- Adele

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Chapter 7- Adele
I called Tobias.

"Tobias, it's me."

"Adele, I was waiting."

"I know what you mean. Not to forgive but for revenge. I need a plan."

"I have just the one. I'll pick you up for school today and on the way, I'll explain my plan."

"When will we implement the plan?" I asked.

"If you like it, the plan will begin as soon as we get in school."

"Okay then, be here in five minutes. I'm already ready." I said and then he hung up.

I took one last look on the outfit I was wearing. My black shorts were perfect with the pink sweaterish top and the boots just complemented the whole outfit. I helped Caleb up because he was clearly hungover. The first ones always suck.

"Del you dropping me too right?" Caleb asked.

"Oh no, you can take my car and it is just come back from repairing."

"You are skipping?"

"No Tobias is picking me up."

"Austin is okay with that?"

"He can fucking shove his dick down his throat." With that I banged the door and left.

Tobias's car was right in front of my gate so without wasting time, I got into the car. It took me some time to analyze the interiors of the car and the minty smell that lingered in the air. I finally broke the silence.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked.

"Date me." He said.

"I asked for revenge not rebound."

"Well to be precise fake date me."

"Oh. Hmm... Cliché huh?" I smirked.

"Well, it's not that bad. You fake date me and Austin comes to know what he's missing out on. Plain and simple."

"What do you get from it?"

"Popularity of course. Back in my old school I got a reputation but it takes long to build. Here I fake date you and get the reputation instantly."

"Fair enough. But there have to be a set of rules right? To fake date?"

"The only rule is no sex cupcake."

"Okay then Tobias, fake dating is on."

"So first move?" I asked.

"What is Austin's first class?"

"He's with me in Business."

"Well then, do not talk to him anytime. Sit away from him. After Business, I will stand outside your class. You meet me, we hug and giggle when I wrap my arm around your waist."

"Hmm... Good enough. Let's do it."

We reached school and I did as we were supposed to. I walked directly to Business avoiding everyone. Instead of sitting next to Austin I sat a bit away so I could avoid him. He looked quite surprised that I didn't sit next to him. I practically jumped out of my seat as the bell rang.

"Ready?" Tobias asked.


"5, 4, 3, 2, 1"

I giggled at Tobias's non existent joke and then flung myself onto him. I felt his hands grip my ass and I let out even more giggles. By this time I could feel Austin breathing down my neck. Good. But then Tobias did something unexpected. He pressed his lips onto mine.

It didn't last long. He was ripped of me. Crowd had already gathered around us because of a fuming Austin. I swear his face was red like a tomato. He deserved it. He didn't even think about me so now he can have it his way.

"What the fuck?!" Austin roared.

"What man? You're interrupting us." Tobias groaned.

"She's my girlfriend you asshole!" Austin yelled.

"Was." I corrected.

"What are you saying baby?"

"Oh I know Austin. I know you have been banging Lilly behind my back so cut the crap and fuck off because I'm done with you." Tobias held me by the waist and we walked off.

"Wow" Tobias said once we were alone.

"You pervert! Dumb head! Idiot!" I said hitting him over and over.

"What?! What! Stop!" He said finally holding my wrists.

"You kissed me!"

"It just added effect." Tobias smirked.

"It wasn't a part of the plan!"

"Somethings just have to be added Cupcake." With that he left.

Okay, I didn't mind it. The kiss, I didn't. It was kind of nice. Like our lips just briefly met but his lips were so soft on mine. It's almost as if he uses mint lip balm. So fresh. Well anyway, I headed to my next class which thankfully didn't have Austin.

Lunch came pretty soon. Sooner than I expected at least. I always loved lunch but today, I had to put up a show and that's what I'm dreading the most. Yup, Tobias is gonna propose to me in lunch in front of everyone so that Austin's image is ruined. So I entered the cafeteria and sat on my spot.

"Hey sweet cheeks." Tobias said and sat next to me.

"Hey dummy."

"Dummy really?" Tobias laughed.

"Well you are dumb in the head." I reasoned.

"Whatever floats you boat Cupcake."

That's when I saw Austin enter the cafeteria. I signaled Tobias to start with the plan because our audience was already here. So Tobias pulled me to the center of the room and went down on one knee. He took out a small ring box from his pocket.

"Will you be my girlfriend Pumpkin?" He proposed.

"Of course!" I chirped.

It didn't seem as if he was acting. It was flawless act. Slowly I stretched my hard forward and he gently held it. Slipping the ring onto my ring finger, he stood up. His hands cupped my face and I swear my heart was doing back flips. Everyone had gathered to see us, even Austin.

I knew what was coming now and somehow I was waiting for it to happen. His lips finally met mine and the crowd hooted. Everything turned blur. It was just him and me. I shouldn't be enjoying this but guys, it was the best kiss of my life.

Hola! How was it? Best chapter until now?


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