6. Doritos

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Rob stayed true to his word and dropped me off when he had finished his interview. We left the boys in the room doing whatever and headed straight out to the car park. All the way there we made small talk about Niall's loss. Rob wasn't too fussed though for some reason. I don't know why, all Rob seemed to do was rave about him and how good he is. I wanted him to be mad at Niall for losing but according to him, the sun shinned out of Niall's ass no matter what so we should all worship him. Not on my account.

"So I thought about what you said," Rob told me as soon as we got on the road. I wasn't in the mood for talking, just for listening, so I didn't reply.

"I'm going to talk to Lucy when I get home about handing over the management and then take her travelling maybe," I didn't say anything back, I was too worn out to try and sympathise with him. In fact, I didn't say anything besides a thank you once he dropped me off. The relationship hurdle was a long time coming as Rob had always put himself first without thinking about a woman who was totally devoted to him. Sometimes, I just had no patience. It seemed like he walked around with a rain cloud above his head some days.

After cooking myself a bowl of pasta, I sat down crossed leg on the sofa and began to facetime Nick. It was late so I didn't expect him to answer. He picked up, however, the second time I tried, lighting up my screen with his tired face.

"Hiya," I smiled whilst trying to balance my phone on the coffee table and the bowl of pasta on my lap. Giving Nick a full view of my body curled up against a tattered cushion.

"Hi babe," he yawned. "It's very late," he looked like he was lying on his bed with his back against the headboard. He was wearing a tartan patterned pyjama top from what I could see.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Although I didn't really mean it.

"No, I was up. What are you doing awake anyway, it's nearly 12,"

"I just got back from a match and felt lonely coming back to an empty apartment," I scrunched up my eyebrows just thinking about how alone I felt at times.

"Ah, I should have guessed. How did it go?" He questioned but I knew deep down he wasn't interested. The way his face showed no expression was enough to tell me he was bored with this topic already.

"It went awful," I sighed, taking a bite of my pasta.

"Wait, who did you say was fighting again?"

"I didn't say who actually, it was Niall," His face showed he was trying to remember who Niall was. "You know, blonde, Irish, dick head," With my help he began to remember who I was on about.

"Oh, him," Nick's eyes narrowing in disgust once realising who I was talking about.

"Yeah, I know," I rolled my eyes at the thought of him and took another big bite of my pasta.

"What are you eating Zara?"

"Pasta, why?" dropping my spoon in the bowl and leant forward in order to lift the phone up into my hands so he could now only see my face.

"You realise it's bad to eat at this time of night. Especially pasta, it will go straight to your hips and we don't want that," he shook his head in disappointment.

At that moment I had no idea what to say. My figure had never been exactly tiny. I was slim yes, I had some form of a flat stomach but I had always been curvy. Therefore comments like the one my boyfriend had just said always made me feel insecure.

"How has work been?" I asked, changing the subject.

Nick spoke about work for fifteen minuets straight. Telling me about some case he's working on but I took no interest. Instead, I dwelled on his indirect comment about my weight. We spoke for a while longer until he told me he was too tired to keep his eyes open. After saying goodbye, I threw the rest of the past straight in the bin, I brushed my teeth and went to bed.

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