8. A Lie

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We were both sat adjacent to each other on the crash mats whilst I looked over his knee. Niall was lying on his back with his eyes closed, clearly worn out but fought his tiredness to talk to me.

"The uniforms here are quite something," he said, not moving.

"Tell me about it, they're about 20 years out of fashion," I chuckled, massaging Niall's knee to get the surrounding ligaments to relax.

"That Jack I fought seemed to enjoy it though," he peeked one eye open to take in my reaction.

"Don't even get me started on him. It's embarrassing enough having to wear jogging bottoms with huge flared ankles. Let alone having a guy check me out in them when I know they are by far the least flattering thing I could possibly wear," Shaking my head as I ranted about my embarrassment.

"I have to agree that they are awful," Both eyes were now open and his face broke out into a teasing smile.

I rolled my eyes in response but I knew he was only being honest with me which could not be faulted.

"However," he continued, "My kit is awful too. I'll ask Rob to update them next time I see him,". He moved his hands behind his head whilst he spoke, melting into the mats as I continued to the massage.

"Yeah, good luck with that," I took my hands away which caused Niall to look up with a slight frown pulling at his eyebrows. "You can do a few leg lifts to stretch out your knee if you like,"

I collapsed onto my back next to Niall, watching his left leg lift up and down at a methodical pace. The calmness of the situation was mutually accepted. In the few weeks I had known him, I don't think we had ever shared a moment quite like this.

"Are you going to Harry's on Friday?" He asked in a low tone, not wanting to burst the bubble we had created over our two bodies.

"Yes why?" I turned my head slightly and he mirrored my actions.

"I was invited, don't really know what to expect. What shall I wear?" Niall's blue orbs held nothing but sincerity as he questioned me. His face was relaxed making him look slightly juvenile, it was quite cute.

"I usually just go in my comfy clothes and bring my pyjamas with me. I assume you're sleeping there too?" He turned his head upright to watch his leg however I didn't move a muscle.

"I believe that's the plan. I'll just come in some joggers, will I need like an overnight bag?" His quick rambles made it seem like we were attending a girly teenage sleepover, I smiled at the thought.

"Yes, I would advise an over night bag. I've got work to do so I'm going to go. Are you ok with your knee?" I asked whilst pushing myself up onto my feet.

"Everything's all good, cheers for that Doc," he flashed me a smile from his position on the ground.

"See you Friday Irish," I smiled.

For the first time, I walked away from Niall feeling somewhat happy.


Once making it to Harry's house, I didn't bother knocking instead I walked straight in. Following the noise into the living room where all three boys were sat playing on the Xbox. I cleared my throat to get there attention but didn't succeed, their attention taken by the new Fifa game.

I walked behind the sofa and dropped my night bag on the floor. A loud thud echoing as it made contact with the light, wooden floor. None of the flinched but the noise caught the attention of Harry who was watching the other two play.

"Hey egg, glad you could make it," he said without turning to look at me. I jumped over the back of the leather sofa and crashed in between Harry and the arm of the chair.

"I could pretend to be sorry that I'm late but I'm really not," I poked H's shoulder childishly.

"Well Mrs, would you like to share what was more worthy of your time that us?" He mirrored my actions and poked me back, causing me to giggle and push him away.

"I was revising, you know for my exams so I can get my degree next year?"

"Smart arse," Harry teased to which I retaliated by messing up his mop of curls.

"Wait, you don't have your degree yet?" Niall questioned, prying his eyes off the screen for a split second.

"That is correct," I snapped, slightly offended by what I thought was a judgmental tone.

"Okay, enough about you Zara. Attention back on the game, we have ten minutes left and I'm going to win," Louis shouted competitively.

"Dream on Tommo, I'm winning 4-1," Niall laughed at Louis, both of their thumbs furiously tapping away at the controller.


Three rematches later, I found myself searching through Harry's freezer whist the boys sat around the island in the kitchen. I made the mistake of telling Niall and Louis off for their lack of a consistent diet and was now being made to cook something healthy.

I decided on making a chicken stir fry and set to work, listening in on the boy talk that buzzed around the room.

"You both only have one fight until Christmas," I stated while chopping the vegetables and pieces of meat to put in the sauce pan.

"Don't get too excited, just means you'll be doing a shit load of work outs," Louis laughed at their expense.

Putting everything in the pan, I began stirring the food over the heat.

"Niall's gonna kick ass," Harry exclaimed causing the other two to cheer.

"You bet I will, they won't even see it coming," Niall boasted.

"You make it sound like you're some kind of God," I snorted, his arrogance getting under my skin.

"Well Doc, I am fighting under Zeus' name who was the most powerful God in Greek mythology," Niall responded immediately.

"The ladies certainly think he's a God," Harry cheekily added.

I snapped around pointing the wooden spatula at H.

"Don't encourage him," I warned but Harry just burst into a fit of childish giggles.

"No can resist the good ol' Irish charm," Niall sat there with a huge grin on his face.

"I bet you could even win over Zara, even if she's with that shitbag," Louis howled like it was the funniest thing in the world.

Ignoring the comment, I picked up the sauce pan and began to plate up three meals.

"I know that will never happen, I'm a professional," I told them as I grabbed four glasses from the white cupboard and filled them up with water.

"I'm not into blondes anyway," Shrugging, I tried to knock Niall off the podium the other two were building.

I placed the three plates in front of each lad along with their glasses of water.

"That is what a healthy, well balanced meal looks like," I emphasised, proud of my work.

"It looks lovely, thank you," H kissed my cheek before he started eating.

"What are you going to have?" Lou asked with his mouth full.

"I've already eaten," I lied.


Here's my belated present from me to you

I'm so sorry that I have basically fallen off the face of the Earth. School obviously comes first but I'm writing when I have spare time. I hope you all stick with me because I've got so many ideas for this story and possibly new stories in the future. I'll try to update asap, loving you all.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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