2. Beginning of the end

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After the silence was broken in the staff room, I took it as my cue to leave. I was irritated. It was obvious. But I didn't want my negativity to dampen the excitement of everyone else.

Silently, I got up out of my seat and walked as calmly as I could out of the door. Leaving behind a chorus of questions: where did Rob find find him, do you think he'll be any good, do you think he'll stick to it and I wonder if he's hot or single? The last question coming from, you guessed it, Becky. Furthermore, I couldn't resit to roll my eyes at her airhead comment. The boxers are here for one purpose and one purpose only. To fight and to train. Not to speed date for goodness sake!
"What's with the eye roll sunshine?" Robs voice stopped me as I was halfway up the stairs. Anger burned my tongue as I looked at his dumbfounded face.
"Oh I don't know, maybe because my boss failed to tell me that a new boxer is joining today! To top that all off, I have to now lock myself in my office to get all paper work ready for his physio and get a new file ready for all his information which will take at least an hour," I ranted, throwing my arms in the air. With every word, Rob's face hardened but that didn't stop me.
"I will now be at least an hour behind meaning I'll be forced to stay here after everyone has left to finish my work. I have studies to do Rob! I am doing a degree that requires me to write a shit load of essays remember? You can't pull things like this on me, you have to tell m-"
"Are you finished," He rudely interrupted. I obviously wasn't finished if he interrupted me but I wanted to see how he was going to get himself out of this one. He took my silence as an invite to carry on.
"I've been busy, didn't have time to tell you. Now you need to calm the fuck down, your face has gone red. I don't need you to be having a strop when he arrives. He's travelled a long way for this, I need you to show him that he's appreciated," he explained calmly, giving a slight shrug of his shoulders.

Rob was in his late 40s. A strong, well built man with short brown hair. His face was peppered with stubble, his forehead held wrinkle lines from the constant frown he wore and his green eyes were always clouded with a hue of fatigue.

Holding his stare for a while longer, I decided to turn back around. Continuing up the carpeted staircase, to my office,in silence. His speech didn't extinguish the flames of my anger. If anything, it fuelled it. At no point did I get an apology and that really rattled my bones.

Approaching the top floor, I carried on my usual routine. Usually, I'm up here before Louis which leaves me the responsibility of turning on the lights before heading straight to my small room at the back. Once the room was illuminated and I checked that all equipment was in place, I made my way into my office. Exhausted, I flopped into the chair. My fingers finding their way to   my temples while gently massaging them in attempt to cool down the knots of stress beginning to form.

Releasing a long sigh, I logged onto my computer and started pulling up blank forms to be filled in when the 'big shot' arrives. The guy's already being treated better than me and he's not set foot in the place yet! After I pull up all the sheets I needed, I sent them down to be printed at reception. Which then meant that I had to call up the front desk to ask for those sheets to be brought up to my office. No way was I going back downstairs and risk bumping into Rob.

Time passed to 11 o'clock and the gym was buzzing with life. I was on the blue, sponge mats inspecting Harry's shoulder joint. Harry was one of our boxers and a very good one at that. He was tall, standing at 6 foot, and had a well toned body. His eyes held emeralds in their irises and his thick, chocolate curls were pulled back into a bun. However, when Harry's hair wasn't in a bobble; it flopped over his face in a mop like fashion. He was a sweet and caring character which must be why we immediately clicked. Both of us had joined Zeus around the same time which meant that we sort of coupled up in a friendly sentiment, holding an unspoken pact to stick together. In no time at all, Harry and I became best friends along with Louis; spending the majority of our weekends together. Either going to clubs or just tangled in duvets watching movies whilst simultaneously eating a pizza each.

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