Chapter 8 - Bonehead

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"This guy is a freak Sophia, do you still have the notes he sent you?" Andrew asks worried, I look around the cafeteria making sure that no one else is listening in on our conversation and I shake my head at my paranoid tendency "Yeah, I chucked it in my draw and left it there, I actually forgot about it until today,  I have a secret admirer" I shiver "whoever is doing this has made it sound so dirty, I still cannot believe someone sent me a butterfly"

Andrew takes my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze "Don't let this creep get to your head, I will keep you safe, I swear it and I'm glad you told me, this is not something you should go through alone. You should probably tell Annabelle as well and maybe the security at your place that way you can be sure to be extra safe." He says and scares the holy ghost right into me, oh God, what if this guy knows where I live? What if I'm putting Bel in danger by staying with her? I take a shaky breath "The only security we have is the security gate out front, not that it's much use since the fire escape around back is left unlocked in case of an emergency." I say in a panic "Oh shit, I'm sorry Sophia I didn't mean to scare you! Don't worry, I'm sure he won't come anywhere near you, he's probably just an old sleeze, to afraid to come ask you out face to face so he resorts to a weird game of secret admirer!" I laugh and then sigh, he's probably right, why am I worrying myself over something so stupid? Its probably just a stupid office prank "You're right Andrew, and sorry for being such a drama queen, my hormones are all over the place this week!" I say earning a playful eye roll and a laugh from Andrew

"No problem Sophia, that's what I'm here for" he says with a smile and I return it. I don't know what I would do without him, "You will not believe what just happened to me" Kathleen says angrily as she sits down "What? Are you okay?" I ask feigning worry, one thing I've learned in my very short time with Kathleen was that she is big on drama and she can overreact over the tiniest things. "The cafeteria guy over, the one with the nerdy glasses and braces" she says looking back to point him out "he refused to give me my damn chocolate moose, you know I cannot go without my pick me up, anyway as I was saying he told me that he would only give it to me if I agreed to go out on a date with him! I mean, can you believe the audacity, Bastard, using my weakness against me!" She says disgusted and I cannot help the smile that escapes "And what happened then?" I ask her feigning outrage, she pouts, sighs and then says "I agreed of course, I cannot go without my chocolate moose, but don't worry I'm obviously not going to go, I will make up some excuse, I can not go out with someone who would use my weakness against me. He is sick, what did chocolate moose ever do to him? Poor yummy goodness, how dare he hold my tasty hostage?" Kathleen murmurs while holding the moose lovingly to her chest and I just barely hold in my laugh.


"Sophia, have you seen Norma today? She left at 10 and hasn't been back since." Cole asks as he comes into my office and my eyes immediately zero in on his lips of their volition, he really does have great lips I sigh dreamily when I realise what he said. Norma's gone? I really should have noticed since I wasn't sneered at for quite some time now...

"Uh, no I haven't seen or heard from her since this morning." I tell him and I realise that he is actually worried about her "Alright, could you go out front and fill in at her desk please and also could you call her or her next of kin or something and track her down. Thanks" Cole says with a frown marring his beautiful face and walks out of the office while dialing a number.

Weird, are they close, were they an item or something? It would explain why she is always being such a bitch
... I definitely need to make a mental note and ask Kathleen about it later but for now I need to concentrate on doing both mine and Norma's job, great and I thought my day couldn't get any worse.


By the time I finally step through the front door I'm exhausted to the bone and so damn hungry, I feel like I could suddenly get a craving for brains. Today was definitely not my day, I really hope Norma is there tomorrow because I won't be able to cope with a repeat of today. Cole was such a jerk, he kept yelling at me saying that I was doing everything wrong! Ugh, I felt like screaming, he is such a damn girl and always so moody! He has some serious issues and damn him for ruining the hottest make out session I've ever had. Bastard had the nerve to tell me it was a mistake and that my performance today just proved that, stupid boneheaded man, always so damn arrogant, he thinks just because he gave me a drunken kiss that I'm suddenly "in love" with him and cannot perform properly! I mean really, that's the most absurd thing I've ever heard!

"There's Chinese in the fridge" Bel says and before I can respond she leaves the kitchen and goes to her bedroom. I can't remember when last I felt so alone, I miss her and our talks,  we usually tell each other everything. I cannot believe she's being so childish about a kiss, it's not like I kissed a guy she liked, I just don't want to talk about it, and for some reason she just doesn't get that.

I take my chow mein to the room and put it on my bedside table and remove the 'gift' from my bag, the butterfly really is beautiful... Who the hell is this guy? Do I know him? It's probably nothing, just some guy who has a weird fetish for creepy notes.

And what the hell was up with Cole today? He is seriously becoming a pain in my ass! And why the hell does he care about Norma so much? She isn't even pleasant to be around!

I know, I suck! I'm sorry for not writing and giving you a crappy chapter... I'm super busy, I work all day and I'm also studying part-time, so I don't really have time to write. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter and happy reading❤❤❤

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