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Evianna POV
"I have my own room?" I said looking at the room.

"Yea? What did you think girl-dude you'd be sleeping with me?" Dirk joked and I could feel the blush spreading across my cheeks again.

"Evi-Evianna. Don't call me girl dude." I stuttered. Oh god I sounded like a nerd.

"Ok E-train" he joked again this time wrapping me in his arms. He was warm and smelled like smoke, I felt myself sigh and curl up in his arms. "I'm  not used to sleeping alone, I lived with a girl named Rosabella, she died a few weeks ago. I'm still not used to sleeping alone." I said and looked down

Dirk looked at me for a minute "My parents aren't home, so how about the girl dude can sleep in my bed tonight?"  He looked at me to see what I would do.

"Really?" I asked it was almost to good to be true then I realized something, I was wearing the only clothes I owned a pink hoodie that was two sizes to small and old jeans that had fallen apart into shorts. "Um but this is my only outfit... I don't have anymore clothes..." Ok that was a complete lie, I had a pair of bra and panties but that, ok I would be fine with happening but no.

"Are you sure? Let's look in your bag." Dirk said as he grabbed my bag, it had the lingerie covered by the three games I used for videos and my cheap headphones and my mic, all cheap as shit (well minus the games I worked my ass off for those.) "Nah looks like you have these." He held up the lingerie and smirked slightly. "Actually I'll just give you a sweatshirt and sweat pants and tomorrow I'll take you to vuugle and we'll get you some clothes." He was speaking differently now, almost as if he had been wearing a mask when we had first meet.

"C-can we  switch the order of that... I have enough subscribers but... I look like trash." I was stuttering again. Oh my god what was this boy doing to my brain.

Evianna Games (A Bizaardvark fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now