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Please vote on this if you like it! It means a lot to me! I love writing these two so much! They are so cute and literally perfect for eachother. It's written in script format! The next one shot I do is probably going to be Scorpius visiting Albus over Christmas break. :D I hope you like it!

ALBUS and SCORPIUS are in the Slytherin bedrooms, ALBUS is sitting on his bed, SCORPIUS is sitting cross-legged on the floor below his friend's bed, a book in his lap. The two seem to be doing homework together.

ALBUS: it's not fair Slughorn gave us this much homework on a day off...Not that I'd rather go watch the Quidditch game...but didn't we kinda save the wizarding world?

SCORPIUS: It was kinda your dad who saved it, Albus-but, yeah-we did help-I like homework...

ALBUS: How can you like writing page long essays about the history of Polyjuice potion?

SCORPIUS: How can you not?

ALBUS lays down on bed, holding his book in the air, as if trying to read it.

ALBUS: You're a geek though, Scorp...

He lays the book down on the table next to his bed.

ALBUS: I still can't believe you asked Rose out.

The words strike inside ALBUS for a moment, whirling around in his head, but he doesn't really think about it. SCORPIUS suddenly looks very uncomfortable.

ALBUS: You okay?

SCORPIUS:'s just...I don't think I like-like, like, LIKE-Rose...

ALBUS: What? But you asked her to the Valentines' dance!

SCORPIUS: Yeah, but, now that I think about it, she doesn't really like me anyway. I think I was just very eager to be her friend and-mistook it for likeness?

ALBUS: Ah, that's such a Scorpius thing to do.

SCORPIUS: Yeah-now, I need to find someone else to bring...

ALBUS: Yeah...good luck in finding someone...

SCORPIUS is silent as he returns back to his book. He now seems extremely worried about something. ALBUS finds this silence coming from his friend very unusual. SCORPIUS loves to talk, especially about homework.

ALBUS: Something wrong, Scorp?

ALBUS turns his head to stare at SCORPIUS, who seems to be trembling.


ALBUS: Okay...You can't fool me, Scorp. Is this about the dance? Are you trying to figure out who to bring? Because if you don't know who to bring, you do know we can always just hang out in the Slytherin dormitory-or whatever you want. I haven't even asked anyone yet...

ALBUS seems to be trying to hint something at his friend, but what it is, even he doesn't know. Then he realizes. ALBUS wants SCORPIUS to ask him to the dance. ALBUS tries not to think about it as he stares at his friend intently.

SCORPIUS: good friend Albus, always taking good care of me. We can hang out in here then...I hope someone else asks Rose though...

ALBUS: Oh, I don't know; she doesn't seem like the one for dances in the first place...

SCORPIUS: She might just stay in her dorm...I hope she has fun though...

ALBUS' whole face is turning bright red, so he turns over in his bed, trying not to let it show.

ALBUS: Yeah, it will be nice for her.

SCORPIUS: You okay? Want to do your work now?

ALBUS: Heck no.

SCORPIUS: I'm not doing it for you, Albus!

ALBUS: I know that!

ALBUS is trying to think but his friend keeps on talking. While he is trying to think of a way to ask him to the dance, without looking suspicious; he is wondering if he asked him out, if SCORPIUS rejected him, he could say "I meant it as a friend" or if he accepted, "I like you, SCORPIUS." His stomach is torn with nerves.

SCORPIUS: I think you're about to throw up.

ALBUS: N-No! I'm not!

ALBUS sits up and turns around, his face red. He looks his friend dead in the eye.

ALBUS: Well, hey, Scorp-if-I mean,-Rose rejected you-shoot, that's not what I wanted to say-Shoot! I mean- we could go together if you'd like.

SCORPIUS seems shocked. The his face reddens.

SCORPIUS: Like, like-boyfriends? Or, like-uh-friends?

ALBUS had not expected this question. He seems to not know what to say now.

SCORPIUS: Because-I-probably wouldn't mind going as either-uh-friends-or boyfriends-Albus?

ALBUS: Really? Scorp, really? I mean as boyfriends.

SCORPIUS smiles, and his face reddens less.

SCORPIUS: Really?-uh-yeah! Fun-just a few boyfriends going to a Valentines' dance-fun yay

ALBUS: Whoa, really?

SCORPIUS: I wanna be the one to tell your dad.

ALBUS: Uh-uh; not that far yet, Scorp-You know he's going to be weirded out if I tell him I'm dating his sworn enemies' child.

SCORPIUS: Fine. I'll write my dad now.

ALBUS' face goes red as SCORPIUS smiles brightly at him.

SCORPIUS: You know what? I'll write him when you write yours. It'll be funny-having them both-show up at eachother's house-My mum-when she was alive...teased him about being surprised she was chosen over "Harry Potter." Apparently-Dad-he and your dad were obsessed with one another.

ALBUS: Then, in that case I have one thing in common with my dad.

SCORPIUS, not getting the point, looks questioningly at his new boyfriend.

ALBUS: We're both obsessed with a Malfoy.

SCORPIUS laughs at this statement.

SCORPIUS: Okay-a little creepy-but okay then...

The rest of the night is filled with awkward giggles and laugh, but it gradually grows to the two getting louder and more excited with one another, both happy about going to the dance together; it gets so loud that another Slytherin yells at them to shut up. SCORPIUS falls silent, but ALBUS seems to be in a fit of giggles and can't stop. Eventually SCORPIUS makes him stop by mentioning homework. Then ALBUS groans and gets out of his bed, sliding his book out out from under his pillow again.

ALBUS: I think I need some help with this potion paper, SCOR

SCORPIUS: I'll be happy to help! I'm just not doing it for you!

SCORPIUS climbs onto his friend's bed and starts pointing out all the things that ALBUS had circled, the things he needed help with understanding. He listens intently all the rest of the evening, and forces himself not to focus on the excitement welling in his heart at the thought of going to the dance with SCORPIUS MALFOY-his best friend-no, his, uh,-BOYFRIEND. ALBUS smiles like a dork at this thought.

Scorbus One-Shots {Scorpius Malfoy x Albus Potter}Where stories live. Discover now