November 15, 2013

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Elizabeth again! Well, I guess I wasn't a very frequent writer in my journal when I was younger; the time between this entry and the last is over two years! XD This entry is a significant one though. It marks the beginning of when I really started writing frequently in my journal. I wrote some very important events down in here. I hope you enjoy it!


November 15, 2013

Dear Moonlight and Starburst. 

Well, I guess I didn't write later. 4 more than 2 years. (silence) Anyways, not much happening. Oh, me and Tracy r planning a sleepover. Not making much progress though. (Note from Elizabeth- Tracy was my one of my closest friends at the time, and we later became best friends.) Well, I don't have much else 2 write about. I guess I could tell you a bit about what's been happening since I wrote last. I mean, it has been over 2 years. Well, first things first, my spelling has greatly improved, so no more misspelled words. LOL Also, I'm not going 2 that school anymore, thank the Lord. We're homeschooling now. I like it, cause it's easier, and I don't have 2 leave home 2 go 2 school. I still have 2 get up early though. At least I don't have those bullies and rude kids around me all the time anymore. Anyways, I'm 13 and I'm n 9th grade now, and I'm n the youth group at church, which is kind of okay. My teacher, Ashley, is nice, but the girls aren't very nice. Actually, they're flat out mean. It's a bunch of African-American girls, (Note from Elizabeth- Please don't take that as racist; I didn't mean it like that at all.), Shelby, and Pastor's niece. Her name is Zuzu. She's mentally handicapped, but she is the sweetest person n the world. Shelby hardly ever comes 2 church anymore. And Ray moved away several years ago. Zuzu is my only friend. All of those other girls hate us so much, for no reason at all! We never even talk to them, and they just hate us! Zuzu doesn't really understand it, bless her heart. I'm sick of it. It's like going through all the bullying at school all over again. And just like at school, I tell the people n authority, and they don't give a care. I'm sick of it; so sick of it that I can't even describe it. Shelby doesn't even care. Sometimes she sort of stands by me and Zuzu, but most times she just tries 2 fit n with the other girls. I just want it 2 stop. Anyways, I should find something more positive 2 talk about. Oh, I did have a SUPER fun party this year 4 my 13th bday! I got to go down to KCK (Note from Elizabeth- That means Kansas City Kansas.) to my grandparent's church and I got 2 have a party with the youth group there. I love all of them so much. They're the best. My best friends in the whole world are Haley, the pastor's daughter, and Shawn. (Shawn is SUPER cute. I kind of like him a lot.) They're so nice 2 me, unlike the girls @ my youth group. All the teens @ my grandparent's church are like my brothers and sisters. Anyways, I gotta go. L8r!


Okay, let me clarify something really quick; I was going through this weird phase where I was like, obsessed with using text abbreviations XD IDK what it was about me, but I was awful about it. So we switched out misspelled words for excessive text abbreviations. XD Anyways, I remember both of those youth groups. It's still a very fresh memory in my mind. I thought I was done after I left my old school, but then I got into the youth group and had to feel it all over again. I felt so awful. It really taught me a lot about leaning on God during my troubles. Well, I'll see you tomorrow!

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